Hi all - complete newbie who has come over to HA to try and sort out some heating niggles.
My heating is controlled by Heatmiser room thermostats which are linked to HA via Homekit integration.
I’ve bought a MOES Zigbee smart thermostatic radiator valve (TRV) connected to HA via ZHA and a Sonoff dongle.
My upstairs heating is controlled by a single zone thermostat. My desired behaviour is that if the zone thermostat is idle (i.e. reached preset temp) and if a connected room TRV is in a heat state (but the boiler is off due to the zone stat state), then HA would compare the TRV and zone thermostat states and temporarily “boost” the zone thermostat until the room TRV had reached idle; at which point the zone thermostat would be returned to its starting temperature and idle state.
I’m no coder and have been trying to build an automation in the GUI, but am getting nowhere fast.
Climate Entities available (sorry I don’t know how to paste these and keep a table format!?:
Zone thermostat
hvac_modes: heat_cool
min_temp: 5
max_temp: 35
current_temperature: 19.6
temperature: 19.5
hvac_action: idle
friendly_name: Upstairs Master Thermostat Neo
supported_features: 1
TRV thermostat
hvac_modes: heat
min_temp: 5
max_temp: 35
preset_modes: none, away, Schedule, comfort, eco, boost, Complex
current_temperature: 18
temperature: 17.5
hvac_action: idle
preset_mode: none
system_mode: [<SystemMode.Heat: 4>]/heat
occupancy: 1
occupied_heating_setpoint: 1750
unoccupied_heating_setpoint: 1500
friendly_name: Master Bedroom TRV Thermostat
supported_features: 17
My best guess so far was to
Check Condition that Upstairs Master Thermostat Neo, attribute “Current Action” is state “Idle”, and Master Bedroom TRV Thermostat, attribute “Current Action” is state “Heating”.
However I’m then lost when setting an action - the device Action for the zone thermostat (Upstairs Master Thermostat) only alloys me to change standby state or change HVAC mode. Selecting “change HVAC mode” doesn’t allow any action to switch to heat.
Can anyone point me to a way to boost (by say adding 1 or 2 degrees) to the Zone thermostat, and then keep looping until the TRV stat goes to idle?