Admin account best practice

Hello - A bit of an existential question, in a way: I’m wondering whether I should create one or two accounts for myself. Options are:

  • one personal account (named Alex) with admin right
  • two separate accounts: one called Admin with full access, one called Alex with restricted privileges

Best practice would dictate using two accounts: my personal account for every day use (switching lights, playing music…) and one admin account for when I need to make configuration changes. But I wonder if in practice I wouldn’t need to switch between them all the time.

How have you set up yours? And would you mind to share your experience? Pros and cons? Thanks.

I do have 2 separate accounts on mine. I dont want everything accessible at all times. I perform maintenance and updates from a desktop over remote connection, so my mobile app uses a non-privileged account to only use the existing homeassistant dashboards. However, I do not name my admin accounts admin.

I use one account with administrator privileges. After nearly four years of working this way, I haven’t experienced any cons but YMMV.


the only account for me is admin.

all others are users.

no issues.

i think it would quickly get annoying trying to keep track of which account i was logged in under and switching back and forth.

how i do i keep the older members of the family from jabbing buttons on the dash board and changing things by accident?

By not giving them access to any dashboard ?

i want them to have access to check on temperatures and cameras etc etc. how would i do that when the dashboard is bolted the hallway wall?

Create a dashboard for that device, give only “olders” user_access to this dashboard , no tab_actions on any “sensor-cards” , no side menu, if camera iis enough in Card_View, put it as a background_image in a suitable card(with i.e card_mod), etc. etc.

i’m assuming that means making a user login/user account in HA?

Yes, and if it’s a “Browser-View” in random OS, on that device, you can even have an auto-login-user after device-boot, and a open-url-hallway-dashboard>browser>fullscreen-script on login

interesting. the quandary now is adding a new user. i though have that it would be under configuration and security. let me guess it’s a yaml file some where?

EDIT: there is a “People” in settings, i can addd …admins? i’ll poke at this some more, looks like what i need.

Users/Ad Users

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