ADS Beckhoff cover - blinds

Hi, I’m trying to control my blinds with ADS.
Lights, switches and binary sensors are working great.

When I control the curtain from the overview; by hitting the down arrow, the curtain is going down, until it stops, the boolean adsvar_close keep staying active. Another tap on the arrow does not change a thing.
Afterwards, when I hit the up arrow, this boolean adsvar_open is active also, thus both adsvar_open and adsvar close are active the same time. I cannot do anything to reset them, except changing it in the PLC.

What am I doing wrong?

    -   platform: ads
        name: 'Curtain study'
        adsvar: curtain.curtain_is_closed 
        adsvar_open: curtain.curtain_up
        adsvar_close: curtain.curtain_down
        device_class: curtain