Advanced control of any light entity from KNX (state, brightness, dim, temperature, color + states feedback)

i would like to have this feature too, since i also use the mdt glastaster as wall switches. Controlling RGB LEDs over HSV Values is currently not possible with this blueprint.

What you try to achieve is not the purpose of this blueprint.

You have to configure your knx light properly in knx.yaml with all related group adresses (see knx integration documentation) and then add whatever card on your dashboard to control it, including dimm.

Since this is not related to this blueprint at all, please use another topic if you still need assistance.

Sorry at the moment I don’t have any device using HSV so I am not gonna investigate this implementation, sorry

first of all. Thank you very much for taking the time to make this available to us!

I have been trinkering around with ETS and get everything to work with one exception.
whenever my KNX actor sends 00 00 00 (which should be “off”) my hue lights go all blue…

any idea what I might be doing wrong?

Thanks & Cheers!