🔥 Advanced Heating Control

I’d faced that issue a few days ago and fixed it this week. Maybe you try to update the blueprint.

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Works like a charm! Thank you!

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thx you very much, it works great,
would it be possible to make this work with a separate temperature sensor?

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What should the external sensor do? Do you want the outside temperature to turn on/off heating?


thx for your answer,

i hoped to use a different temp sensor for the room,
my thermostats temperature is reporting way to high degrees. (i tried to offset the temperature, but its a total mess)
with an option for a different room temp sensor, one could just simply choose a sensor of choice.

hope that makes sense

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This blueprint only controls temperature. There are other blueprints/automations for your issue. It also depends by your valves, integration and calibration attribute.

The most calibration automation can be used parallel to this blueprint. If you’re using tuya and z2m this thread could help you:

@panhans: I am just trying your blueprint as well. Why don’t you have multiple window entities? Like this you have to create a template and combine all window contacts if your room has more than one. I just made a new one and changed it to multiple. I would also like to add thermometers to the blueprint, that are used as current temperature, because the ones at the valves are not a good choice in some cases. Will see how I can do that

  1. Home assistant blueprints cant handle multiple optional entities used as trigger entities. There is an issue opend for that and also some threads here in the community but for most people not a big thing. Dont know if its ever be possible. So I must decide if I go with one optional window entity or multiple window support. Since some people use the build in window open mechanism I decide to chose the first option. Other blueprints are using time based periodical checks but I am not a friend of this kind of polling.

  2. For using an external temperatur entity for calibration I wrote something one post above. Since this is much wanted I will dive into to see what I can do for this blueprint.


Ah yes, just setting the windows to multiple breaks the automation. Pity that this isn’t supported.

Haven’t read your post above. Will have a look into it. Thx

And you dont need a template. Simply create a helper and group your windows and select this group as your window entity. :wink:


Yes, thank you. Works like a charm

The blueprint is great apart from that. I could get rid of my complicated automations. I had one automation for turning the heaters on and one for turning them off. Horrible…

When the external temperature sensors are implemented, the blueprint will be perfect! :wink:

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Thanks for this amazing blueprint, I got one question.
My EvoHome Systems requires the preset mode to Permanent otherwise it will follow a strange inside build schedule…

How can I add the preset mode to the Blueprint?
For Example, HVAC Mode Heat + Preset Mode: Permanent

Second question is, I can’t set the temperature to 19.5 in the Blueprint, am I doing something wrong?

Hope you can help me out with this!

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I found something like this that works for me but I am not sure where I can leave this code in the blueprint:

service: climate.set_preset_mode
preset_mode: permanent
entity_id: climate.living_room

Hey, where you want to set the 19.5°C? I have no problem with the slider in the automation itself. When you mean the comfort temperature, than you have to edit your input helper to allow 0.5 steps.

Do you have another automation that sets presets? Or maybe an automation of your bridge? In my opinion the preset is persistent until you set a new one. But If you want to extend the blueprint your right in the action section:

  - service: climate.set_preset_mode
      entity_id: !input 'heating'
      preset_mode: 'permanent'
  - service: climate.set_hvac_mode
      entity_id: !input 'heating'
      hvac_mode: "{{ mode }}"

  - condition: template
    value_template: "{{ mode == 'heat' }}"
  - delay: 3
  - service: climate.set_temperature
      entity_id: !input 'heating'
      temperature: "{{ temperatur | float }}"
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Many thanks for your help! At first in the automation it shows an error when I choose the .5 temperature. After a reset it was working correct m.

The second one is a bit strange, I use the Honeywell Evohome and that system changes the preset to temporary and it shows the schedule of my Evohome in stead off the schedule from HomeAssistant I setup as you mentioned.

This is a problem of my Evohome I guess, so putting the preset on Permanent will make sure that I only follow the HA schedule.

I will try the add on you suggested, tomorrow when I have some time! Thanks

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If you want you can test the blueprint with temperature calibration. It isn’t merged in the main branch.
You need a number entity which is part of the device id of the trv. The entity id must contain ‘calibration’. It’s the case if you are using z2m for example. So you just need to define an external sensor and every 10 minutes the trv will be calibrated.

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Good day. I really appreciate your work and admire you. I set everything up according to your description. I have only one problem so far. My heads (TS0601_thermostat) are always set to the desired temperature, but the

system mode->heat 

I would need to change it to

system mode->auto 

… is it possible to modify it somehow? It really looks very usable and is close to perfect for me.

Hey, changed mode to auto instead of heat. Just refresh your blueprint. :wink:

//EDIT: I dont know if auto is the right mode. When set my thermostats to auto they regulate themselfes to 20 degrees. I think the auto mode activates the inbuild scheduler of the TRVs. Correct me if I am wrong.

Snímka obrazovky 2023-01-17 o 18.47.27apparently you were right about the automatic mode. So I deleted it to be sure and set everything anew and it still opens the heads to the maximum even when the desired temperature is set. Is it possible that the headers do not support it?

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I’ve read something about this. It’s a bug in the firmware of the ts0601 trvs but maybe there is a solution for you:

Further more the some trvs dont regulate the valves in small steps. Some of these just open up to 100% and close to 0%. So for some devices there is just on and off. I think my hama trvs regulate like this.