🔥 Advanced Heating Control

thanks it is ok now but i have different problem. i am chacking it i have two trv in one room i think one is calibrating i will check and say you again

I updated HA Core now and it seems the windows open issue returns. In our sleeping room the valve switches between off and heating while windows is open. I’m on the last v4_beta18

Could you check out the latest version? I’ve added a hard blocker now if window is open.

I checked with beta19. Unfortunatly the issue is still current

Could you paste this in your template editor and fill in your thermostat?

{% set valves = [ 'climate.wohnzimmer_thermostat'] %}

Valves With Off Mode: {{ valves | expand | selectattr('attributes.hvac_modes','search','(?i)off') | map(attribute='entity_id') | list }}

On the right side your thermostat should be listed. Then open the window and watch if it disapears.

//EDIT: are you sure there is no other integration or internal schedule active? Could you have a look in the history which integration sets the temperature during airing?

this one: eq-3 GitHub - dbuezas/eq3btsmart

i dont know the diff between cal. and offset, there is offset only.


  - "off"
  - auto
  - heat
min_temp: 4.5
max_temp: 29.5
  - eco
  - comfort
  - boost
  - away
  - Open
current_temperature: 19.8  <-- ignore, its the ext. thermometer
temperature: 20
hvac_action: heating
preset_mode: comfort
friendly_name: TRV EZ
supported_features: 401


min: -3.5
max: 3.5
step: 0.5
mode: box
unit_of_measurement: °C
device_class: temperature
friendly_name: TRV EZ Offset

(btw, i do not need offset changed in secs or mins, but f.e. sun is shining all day it needs to get adapted.)

Logger: blueprints.panhans.heatingcontrol
Source: components/system_log/init.py:306
First occurred: 09:02:10 (6 occurrences)
Last logged: 09:03:00

AHC REF entry: None entry_time: entry_comfort_temp: new_comfort_temperature: is_refresh_comfort_entity: state_mode_winter: True state_mode_party: False state_mode_guest: False state_outside_temp: True state_force_max_temperature: False state_window: False state_temperature_comfort: 20.0 active_scheduler: schedule.heizplan_ez_normal is_person_based: False is_anybody_home: False is_somebody_on_way_home_state: False is_presence_sensor_defined: False is_presence_scheduler_defined: False state_presence_sensor: False state_presence_scheduler: False is_presence_on: False is_scheduled_heating: True state_scheduler: True is_scheduled_heating_on: True is_somebody_on_way_home: False is_frost_protection: False state_temperature_min: 18.0 set_comfort: True mode: heat temperature: 20.0 is_manual_change: False is_manual_timer_start: False is_calibration: False changes: {} valves_tado: calibration_tado: {} valves_xiaomi: calibration_xiaomi: {} valves_external_sensor: calibration_external_sensor: {} valves_calibration_common: [‘climate.trv_ez’] calibration_common: {} is_heating: True is_metric: True
AHC REF change_count: 0 changes: {}
AHC REF entry: None entry_time: entry_comfort_temp: new_comfort_temperature: is_refresh_comfort_entity: state_mode_winter: True state_mode_party: False state_mode_guest: False state_outside_temp: True state_force_max_temperature: False state_window: False state_temperature_comfort: 20.0 active_scheduler: schedule.heizplan_ez_normal is_person_based: False is_anybody_home: False is_somebody_on_way_home_state: False is_presence_sensor_defined: False is_presence_scheduler_defined: False state_presence_sensor: False state_presence_scheduler: False is_presence_on: False is_scheduled_heating: True state_scheduler: True is_scheduled_heating_on: True is_somebody_on_way_home: False is_frost_protection: False state_temperature_min: 18.0 set_comfort: True mode: heat temperature: 20.0 is_manual_change: False is_manual_timer_start: False is_calibration: True changes: {} valves_tado: calibration_tado: {} valves_xiaomi: calibration_xiaomi: {} valves_external_sensor: calibration_external_sensor: {} valves_calibration_common: [‘climate.trv_ez’] calibration_common: {} is_heating: True is_metric: True

Calibration should work again with latest version. It gets calibrated like my thermostats.

I’m sure there is no other integration. I only use your great blueprint for the valves.

Unfortunatly my thermostat didn’t disappear after opening the window :confused:

That’s not bad. Just confusing to me. Could you share a trace log when the thermostat goes to heat during aring? If you don’t setup debug logs for this blueprint you can set the debug level to warning in blueprint settings before you trigger the automation again.

//EDIT: I did just had windows open without any issue. Also I can’t reproduce that issue in my test system like the last time you’ve reported this.

I uploaded the traces right here: Heating Traces
Hopefully they will help u

There is only one trace log where the window is open.

Did you observe your window sensor entity if it switches between on and off automatically?

Yes, i was i bit confused with the traces. If u need, i’ll share some more.
The window sensor shows on during the switches. I didn’t observe that the sensor reports any strange states. Afaik it reported all the time, that the windows is open.

If the traces are all in the time window where your window was open there is definitely a problem with this sensor.

For testing you could navigate to your dev state menu.

Filter for your window and click on the entity_id.


And set the state manually to on. Then watch your thermostat if it’s still toggling between hvac modes.

Unfortunatly the same :(. I took a video

Could you post a screenshot of the logbook of the automation when the window was opened? Just filter for your automation. And maybe of your climate entity, too.

//EDIT: Give this also a try: Disable your AHC -Automation and turn off the thermostat manually in your UI.

i am not sure if this answer is related to my thermostat

I have also noticed this behavior with the bathroom automation.

After disabling the automation, the thermostat is still in off mode

I know the problem! Just disable the experimental features please! Physical change ect. That’s a side effect because there is still a bug in home assistant!

//EDIT: But good to know. Maybe i will block that physical change feature if window is opened.

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I disabled this feature and made a test. Unfortunatly i can’t confirm that this’s the issue. The behavior is still there :frowning:

I’d just wrote you a DM here so we don’t spam the thread. Just write there back if you’re ready.

But I think we have to start from scratch:

Could you disable all your AHC automations and create a new one. Just setup your thermostat and window please and give it a try.