šŸ”„ Advanced Heating Control

That should not be the case. It should be 18 Ā°C because nobody is at home. Outside the heating schedule, the ECO temp is set, inside the absence temp. However, it should be constant even with a heating schedule and absence.

Did you get it fixed?


I am having an issue with the latest version of your blueprint, hopefully its something super simple Iā€™ve missed, below is the error log that is being generated:

Logger: homeassistant.components.automation.advanced_heating_control_v5
Source: helpers/script.py:2032
integration: Automation
First occurred: 24 December 2024 at 11:09:36 (51 occurrences)
Last logged: 00:05:38

  • :fire: Advanced Heating Control V5: Choose at step 4: default: If at step 8: Error executing script. Invalid data for call_service at pos 2: must contain at least one of temperature, target_temp_high, target_temp_low.
  • :fire: Advanced Heating Control V5: Choose at step 4: default: Error executing script. Invalid data for if at pos 8: must contain at least one of temperature, target_temp_high, target_temp_low.
  • :fire: Advanced Heating Control V5: Error executing script. Invalid data for choose at pos 4: must contain at least one of temperature, target_temp_high, target_temp_low.

my configuration:

alias: šŸ”„ Advanced Heating Control V5
description: ""
  path: panhans/advanced_heating_control.yaml
      - climate.heating
    input_temperature_comfort_static: 21
    input_off_instead_of_eco: true
    input_off_if_above_room_temperature: true
      - person.anthony
      - person.maura
      - person.terry
      hours: 0
      minutes: 0
      seconds: 45
      - schedule.heating_schedule
      - binary_sensor.hallway_door_sensor_door
      - binary_sensor.kitchen_door_sensor_door
      - binary_sensor.dining_room_door_sensor_door
      hours: 0
      minutes: 0
      seconds: 10
      hours: 0
      minutes: 0
      seconds: 10

Could you navigate to you automation, click on trace, select a trace where you see this error (exclamation mark) in the trace, download the trace and share it with me?

//EDIT: also check if this error came after closing a window or a door. May you should enable legacy restore. Let me know if this helps. I will rethink the logic of restoring temperature after closing windows and doors in order to avoid restoring climate states from a scene since many thermostats have problems with this method.

thanks i totally missed that

unfortunatelly, no.


I currently donā€™t have a trace where it has errored as its run OK 4 times since, I will look out for one and post when I doā€¦

I have checked the log book and it does appear to occur when a door is opened, however not consistently (I canā€™t replicate).

I will hold off turning on legacy restore until I get a trace error log for you. (within 24 hours).

thanks for your support.

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So I tried the new feature dynamic valve position but didnā€™t get the results I expected.
Maybe @panhans you can explain how the feature should be used correctly and how the temperature should look like. Or maybe you could share your settings and the explanation why you set them up like this. Mine is still very ā€œrelay-likeā€ even after activating the feature and trying different settings in it.

Hi @panhans,

first of all i want to thank you for this amazing blueprint.

I used v4 and now i try to migrate to v5 but at the moment i got stuck with the party mode. I set an input_boolean as parameter for this. And when i get you correct if i set this to true all other settings (e.g. schedulers, person and so on) should be ignored and heating should start. but unfortunatelly this is not happening. the blueprint fires but stops immediatelly after the first check.

condition: or
  - condition: template
    value_template: '{{ calibration_trigger }}'
  - condition: template
    value_template: '{{ scene_trigger }}'
  - condition: template
    value_template: '{{ change_trigger }}'
  - condition: template
    value_template: '{{ reset_trigger }}'
  - condition: template
    value_template: '{{ positioning_trigger }}'

i use the newest version: 5.2.6

can you please tell me whats wrong and how can i configure this the correct way.

thx a lot

You may share your configuration and of course the graph of your opening entity. I will add a few more explanations and graphics to the documentation in the next few days.

For me it looks like this:

Ideally, the curve would approach below the target temperature and the opening would be at 10%. However, with my heating schedule, the temperature has dropped at that time, so the thermostat has switched off.

//EDIT: āŒ– Dynamic Valve Positioning - Panhans | Blueprints and Snippets

Thanks for your feedback. A trace log after enabling the party entity or at least your automation configuration in yaml would be helpful.

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This is near perfect. Iā€™m just missing 2 things. Maybe i just dint fond it.

-is it possible to select HVAC mode whit a trigger/helper? I have heat-cool air-co. cool doesnā€™t need to be on in winter en heat doesnā€™t need to be on in summer. If a sunny day in winter heats up the house for free i donā€™t want to cool it.
Can be if outdoor temperature X ā†’ select HVAC mode Y.

-less important. is it possible to set heat/cool tolerance? no use to start up heating/cooling for only 0.5-1Ā°

  • I am also adding if solar panels produce enough energy start heat/cool. But that can be easy added with the presences detector. (if X energy is produced ā€œperson energyā€ is home)

thanks in advance.


Amazing blueprint.
The only thing I canā€™t seam to understand. I have the v3 blueprint where I can set the minimum temp. But I canā€™t find this option in the v5 I also have. Maybe I just need new glasses or this option maybe is under an other name.

Not now atm. Most people use cooling in other ways like heating. So they want to disable the A/C if the target temperature is reached. So they have two automations per room. Since I donā€™t own an A/C I have no use case for that. But this could be easily done.

Not yet. Itā€™s funny because the most thermostats act like this and do compensate this behavior Iā€™d implemented the aggressive mode.

Your looking for the eco temperature. It just got a renaming.

How do I fix the problem?

Does AHC support temporary target overrides?
What I mean is, if the target temperature is changed by anything except automation or schedule (letā€™ call it ā€˜manual boostā€™) will it pause the active schedule for a given period?

This would a wonderful feature!
So, I can expose the target to HomeKit and let other family members change the temperature based on their wishes.

@nightfever @photobix

You can try to enable phyiscal change / sync and enable reset temperature. You also need entities for eco and comofrt temperature. Keep in mind that this doesnā€™t work with aggressive mode (except aggressive mode over calibration) / generic calibration.

The problem is that there is a 2 year old bug in home assistant. This makes it impossible to determine what changes the temperature clearly. There was a fix for this but no developer wanted to tackle the problem.

I havenā€™t really understood your problem yet, as the trace log looks correct to me. I will have another look at it later.

Ich glaub der Ɯbersetzer verbogt es.
Also, die Automation ist ja so das wenn jemand zu hause ist, der Heizplan von 16 Uhr bis 23 uhr & 5-7 Uhr ist. Aktiv sind es dann inerhalb des Plans ca 21 - 22 Ā°C, AuƟerhalb 20 Ā°C, also die Eco Temp. Wenn keiner Anwesend ist, soll die Temp auf 18 Ā°C eingestellt werden.
Jetzt zum Problem. Wenn KEINER zu hause ist Ć¼ber mehrere Tage, dann sind auƟerhalb des Heizplanes die 18 Ā°C und inherlab des Heizplanes 20 Ā°C, also Eco Temp. Es solte doch aber so sein das, wenn keiner Zu hause ist, die 18 Ā°C bleiben und nicht auf die Eco Temp steigen. Das ist mein Problem. War das jetzt versƤndlicher?

I think the translator is bending it.
So, the automation is such that when someone is at home, the heating schedule is from 4 pm to 11 pm & 5-7 am. When active, it is then approx. 21 - 22 Ā°C outside the schedule, 20 Ā°C outside, i.e. the Eco Temp. If no one is present, the temp should be set to 18 Ā°C.
Now to the problem. If NO-ONE is at home for several days, then outside the heating plan the temperature is 18 Ā°C and inside the heating plan it is 20 Ā°C, i.e. Eco Temp. But it should be the case that when no-one is at home, the temperature remains at 18 Ā°C and does not rise to Eco Temp. That is my problem. Was that more understandable?

Hi @panhans,

I tried this great automation for one room with success, but when I copied it to a new room it doesnā€™t work at all.
Maybe we can find the root cause together.


  • schedule says ā€œonā€
  • temp is below target temp
    but thermostat is off

I noticed that target temp is just ā€œmissingā€ from log after a manual adjustment of thermostat SonOff TRVZG

Any idea what I should try to fix this issue?


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second image