🔥 Advanced Heating Control

How do I set it so that when it is supposed to heat a Shelly is on, and when it is not supposed to heat then Shelly is off

that is correct

  1. someone is home 9pm at night
  2. the schedule shuts off at 9PM to enabled eco temp
  3. set eco temp before we go to sleep 60F

just doesnt seem to changing the temp from 65F comfort temp to the 60F eco temp. Ill get another trace when it doesnt work, is there somewhere i can look for confirmation that it is sending the command to adjust the thermostat in the trace?

I’m back as I also notice that my configuration was not as had it in my mind so I may ask the community or Panhans for some insight.
So I want to have the TRV to open with the room temperature as normal. I want also to have a person sensor to be a “trigger” for open the TRV regardless the room temperature. How can I achieve this?

Hello everyone,

Yesterday I integrated two Sonoff thermostats via Home Assistant and the Blueprint Advanced Heating Control. I also use a Sonoff thermostat as an external room thermostat.

Now I have the problem that the thermostats heat up to the desired target temperature, but then switch to idle mode and then stop heating.

When I leave the house they go to “Off” as desired and when I come home they go back to “Heating” and then switch back to “Idle” when the target temperature has been reached.

I previously had two EVE thermostats which maintained the target temp as normal.

Any idea what could be causing this?

Thanks for your help



Here is my trace:

The yaml in the Automation seems a little short… but here it is anyway:

alias: AHC Büro
description: ""
  path: panhans/advanced_heating_control.yaml
      - climate.office_radiator
    input_temperature_sensor: sensor.office_temperature
    input_temperature_eco_static: 17
    input_presence_sensor: input_boolean.office_presence_helper
      - binary_sensor.office_windows
    input_mode_winter: input_boolean.sommer
    input_invert_winter_mode_value: true
    input_mode_outside_temperature_threshold: 18
    input_mode_outside_temperature: sensor.carport_temperature

Thank you for the help!

What does the shelly do? Switch a boiler on and off? Or do you use is as a switch for a heater?

For this you need the exact trace where the changes variable is set. The other traces should have this variable with an empty array like changes: [] But you can search for mode and target_temperature. Mode should be set to eco and the target_temperature should be your eco temperature. Also check the home assistant log for errors.

Just set the comfort temperature to 30°C for example. Get rid of all schedules. If you mean with person sensor the person entities just go for it. If you mean presence sensor then just use this.

Idle means the thermostats is closing the valve because the target temperature is reached. The most thermostats act like a relay (fully open / fully closed)
Have a look into dynamic valve positioning
I also use the sonoff trvs and I am quiet happy with the modulation. My room temperature stays 0.2°C below the target temperature but this is fine with me, but the valve never closes.
But if you mean that the thermostat doesn’t react because they have some kind of hysteresis that means they just open the valve again when they have a certain difference between target and room temperature you might have a look into the aggressive mode.

Thanks. No this is better for finding an issue but this looks good to me. Could you have a look into your logbook to determine if AHC changes the hvac mode of your thermostat to OFF. I ask this because there is nothing configured that forces the off mode. If you don’t find anything I will add some more variables to get more information about the thermostat states and temperatures. Thanks

Unfortunatly there are no entrys in the logbook, i have only this:

In the frontend it looks like this:

I’d say it doesnt go off but sets to 5°C (and gets never back up).

Could you download all traces, I mean the traces before the one you’ve posted? This is the one with the temperature change but if AHC did the change there must be another one before.

It would be great if you let run your automation again into this issue and then download all 5 traces.

My test system acts like expected with the exact same configuration.

i Can do that but propably not before tomorrow.
I also habe Better Thermostat running, could that be an issue?

Could be but I am not sure. I don’t know the magic behind BT but from what I’ve read there were some users with issues combining AHC with BT especially with calibration ect. So if you stay with BT it will be better to remove the room temperature sensor in your AHC configuration.

Hey there, thank you very much for this blueprint. It is very convenient. I have a question to the Eco mode and if this is possible with your blueprint.

I set a schedule via the blueprint, that starts at twelve o’clock and end at 11 pm. In that time heating should be active, and note precise it targets the specified temperature. When the schedule end, the thermostat should be set to Eco mode. In addition to that, when a window opens, the thermostat should be set to OFF.

I ask, because I only found the setting “min instead of off” and I am not sure, if this sets my temperature to Eco, then the window is open. That is not my intention.

Maybe I missed something and I used the schedule wrong? Thank you.

Hi guys,

So far, very impressed with the blueprint. Noticed one small thing, regarding the calibrating. I have set a treshhold of 0.5 degrees to not have too many calibrations. Unfortunately it still happens a lot (like sometimes three times in a row).

As far as I can tell, in the traces it uses the new offset. So for example, the current offset was already -2.4 degrees, and the new one would be -2.5. In my way of thinking, this wouldnt exceed the 0.5 treshold, as it is a difference of 0.1. Still the automation calibrates, as it thinks the difference is -2.4 and not -0.1.

I hope i have explained myself well, and somebody can help me optimize this amazing automation!

Is there anyone that uses the HACS integration scheduler-card? I would like to use it for scheduling the heating, as it is very handy, but I don’t know a good way to use it with this blueprint.

why do I have different ones?

found a solution,
that as a helper and then as a comparison about automation

{{ state_attr(‘climate.thermo_kinderzimmer_1’, ‘temperature’) }}

If you set a schedule comfort is set if your schedule is on and eco is set when your schedule is off.
If you set some window contact sensors the thermostats will be set to off if the windows are open. If your thermostats don’t support the off mode the minimal temperature is set.

So you just have to set your schedule and your window contact sensors.

Could you tell me what thermostats you’re using?

I could open up the presence sensor and guest mode selector for switches. I think the custom schedule component generate switches, right? The rest like setting the temperatures could be done via the scheduler component.

Maybe you’re looking for this template switch?

@panhans ; @Moet :
I can confirm, that with BT sometimes there are some stupid things. I think the problem is, that you have defined 2 room sensors, one in AHC and one in BT…that can produce problems during calibration. My solution was to go away from BT!

Anyone have any tips for how to deal with someone also wanting to change the temperature on the physical thermostat. When they do this it will stick with that temperature until the next scheduled change, but actually what I’d like to do is make it keep the temperature they choose for 2 hours max.

From my first impression, the scheduler card is a bit limited. You can set a mode for a thermostat, or press a button, or set a state in an input sensor, but you can’t set more than this. I can only tell, turn heat mode on, but I can not set the temperature at the same time. The scheduler component is the backend of the scheduler card, so maybe there are more possibilities. For now, I would create an input_boolean, that is activated or deactivated by the schedule card. This would be enough for me, to control, of the comfort or Eco value should be used for heating.


Potential schedule for workday:

To answer your question, yes, it is a switch:

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I could also open the schedule selectors for boolean inputs. This would also make dynamic selection possible if more schedules are needed.