🔥 Advanced Heating Control

That’s great, can you explain how I can implement this?

I think I’m starting to understand how to use your blueprint correctly. Thanks for your explanations.

I have a problem with the temperature setting. The temperature should be 20°, despite the adjustment it uses the comfort temperature of 22°.
What am I doing wrong?

Here is the adjustment:

- time: "09:30"
  comfort: "20"
    - Mon
    - Tue
    - Wed
    - Thu
    - Fri
    - Sat
- time: "17:00"
  comfort: "22"
    - Mon
    - Tue
    - Wed
    - Thu
    - Fri
    - Sat

If you set entities for the temperatures the logic compares the last changed timestamp against the time of an adjustment entry. If the entity was recently changed the value of the entity is preferred.

So if you just edit your adjustment with 20° at 9:30 but you set the comfort temperature to 22° at 10:00 the 22° overwrite the temperature.

If you don’t set entities for temperatures the last entry will be selected.

The adjustments are working like you open ha and set a new value to the temperature entity.

I I understand, thank you for the explanation. You said I could also use an input_number to adjust the comfort temperature. How do I enter that?

Thanks!! Will do that!

- time: "09:30"
  comfort: "input_number.another_number_entity"
    - Mon
    - Tue
    - Wed
    - Thu
    - Fri
    - Sat
1 Like

Hi panhans,

i now have traces from my problem. How can i upload them? Maybe all in a zip/tar archive? Or should i paste them here in this post? But they are big. ~ 2000 lines each


Archive would be fine or you do single uploads where ever you can. (pastebin, controlc, ect.)

link to google drive would also be ok?

Yep, whatever you like. :stuck_out_tongue:

Ok, super. Sind nun bei GoogleDrive:

Tür auf > 30sec Hier funktioniert es ohne Probleme. Nach dem schliessen der Tür wird die korrekte vorherige Temperatur wieder hergestellt.

2025-01-29 14:32:06.184
trace automation.trv_wohnzimmer 2025-01-29T13_32_06.076978+00_00.json
trace automation.trv_wohnzimmer 2025-01-29T13_32_15.058212+00_00.json

Tür zu
2025-01-29 14:33:31.817
trace automation.trv_wohnzimmer 2025-01-29T13_33_31.759286+00_00.json

Tür auf < 30sec: Wenn die Tür kürzer als die eingestellten 30 sec. geöffnet wird, dann wird nach dem schliessen die Temperatur auf die Eco-Temperatur eingestellt.

no trace

Tür zu
2025-01-29 14:40:10.095
trace automation.trv_wohnzimmer 2025-01-29T13_40_10.034702+00_00.json


This doesn’t seem to work correctly. About 5 minutes ago the temperature automatically jumped back to the original Comfort temperature.

Here is the detail in traces:

trigger: state
id: calibration_aggressive_mode_above_temp_thermostat_current_temp_change
  - climate.eg_wohnzimmer_hg_int0000005
attribute: current_temperature
  hours: 0
  minutes: 1
  seconds: 0

I didn’t put anything in the option aggressive mode.

Ok, I could recreate your issue. It only happens without using schedules, presence ect. Just reimport the blueprint. Feel free to give some feedback. :slight_smile:

I think I still don’t understand how the blueprint works properly.

I have made the following configuration:

- time: "09:30"
  comfort: input_number.eg_wohnzimmer_comfort_lower
    - Mon
    - Tue
    - Wed
    - Thu
    - Fri
    - Sat
- time: "17:00"
  comfort: input_number.eg_wohnzimmer_comfort
    - Mon
    - Tue
    - Wed
    - Thu
    - Fri
    - Sat

The different input_number seem to influence each other
Comfort was set to 22 degrees, Comfort Lower to 20 degrees. Now both have been set to 20° by the automation.

I still have the problem from yesterday evening where the temperature changed automatically.

Only your comfort or eco temperatures are set with the adjustments. If you have set an entity for your comfort temperature in your blueprint and entered that the comfort temperature should be set to 22° at 8 pm, your comfort entity will be set to 22° at 8 pm.

If you enter an input number instead of a temperature, the value is read out and applied to your comfort temperature.

It makes no sense to enter the same entity as your comfort entity. Then the value of your comfort entity is read and set again. So there is no change.

- time: "09:30"
  comfort: input_number.eg_wohnzimmer_comfort_lower
    - Mon
    - Tue
    - Wed
    - Thu
    - Fri
    - Sat

This just means at 9:30 the value of the input_number.eg_wohnzimmer_comfort_lower will be projected to your entity you’ve set in the temperature section.

In my opinion it’s clearly described in the docs. It just manupulates your temperature entities.

Thank you for taking so much time to explain. I now understand that any change affects the Original Comfort Temperature, which I set with an input_number.

Apparently I misunderstood your tip about the adjustments. You wrote that I can use an additional input_number entity instead of a number. I thought this would allow me to set a 2nd comfort temperature with the entity.
I don’t understand how the tip helps in my case?

I’ll write down again what I’ve understood so far and maybe you can help me implement what I want to do or say at the end that it’s not possible.

Heating should take place between 6 a.m. and 11 p.m. at the Comfort temperature according to the schedule.
Between 9:30 a.m. and 5 p.m. the comfort temperature should be 20 degrees, otherwise 22 degrees.
So I entered the following:

- time: "09:30"
  comfort: "20"
- time: "17:00"
  comfort: "22"

What options do I have to set both temperatures via the dashboard?
My wish is to be able to make certain settings in the dashboard. This way my wife can also make settings.

Hello @panhans ,

I don’t think this is fixed. I reimported the blueprint yesterday, as per your indication, yet today I reproduced the issue again. See next picture:

During the elapsed between red bars the system should have had to target temperature = Eco, yet my system kept targeting Comfort. Note that my entity “we have guests” was switched off for some time, nobody was home during that period of time, yet the system did not lower the temperature.

Is there any further telemetry that I could share?
