🔥 Advanced Heating Control

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I have a look into this this evening. First it’s occured when opening windows. And yes force minimum temperature is enabled:

"input_force_minimum_temperature": true

Maybe theres is an error in my logic. But I can remember that there was a problem with the aqaras and off mode.

Now force minimum … is deactivated

My actual problem is also that the comfort temp. scheduler does not work. The automation does not react at the configuration times

I think I have no error in the automation log

Problem is very simple: Your window is open. :smiley:

Hmmm yeah… :upside_down_face: 1 window was open, but now all windows are closed, with the same result. The scheduler don’t work.

Without a new trace log I can’t help you.

Hi there,

I want to change my climate setup from Schedy to this blueprint.
For my apartment I use 3 fritz dect 301 valves (bath, sleeping room and office).
The other rooms have a heated floor.
I have aquara window sensors in each room, but I dont want to use them.
Also I have aquara temp sensors which I want to use instead of the fritz temps.

Sorry for this dumb questions, but I am not really confirm with coding and setup etc…

Is it correct, that I need for each room a separate blueprint and if I want to different between workdays and weekend I have to copy this blueprint and add a separate helper with time schedules?

Or can I combine some actions?

What is the best way to implement a trigger / toggle if I work in homeoffice and want to heat the room (w/o schedule)?

when I change the temperature by hand - how long this change will be active until it will change the status?
Till the next schedule will be activated?

It depends on your use case. As I read you own aquara temperature sensors for each room. So you have to setup 3 automations using this one blueprint.

  1. import the blueprint
  2. got to your automations, create a new one and chose this blueprint for your first room
  3. define a scheduler in the helper section of home assistant
  4. setup your first automation with your scheduler and temp sensor

Thats the base. Now heating is setup by using the scheduler. If you add you as person to the blueprint. Heating is just on if you home and scheduler is on. The default scheduler is day based so you can plan heating from monday till sunday.

If you want heating by present just leave scheduler empty and define a presence sensor. this can be your computer that is turned on using your fritz integration. In my case I user my lights. Or you can even use a presence sensor. Something you can track when you’re in the room. Maybe you need to create an template base binary_sensor for it. If you need help just dm me.

Physical change of temperature is experimental for now. And it only changes the comfort temperature. There is no reset atm.

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hi panhans,

thank you so much for your time for a quick teams call yesterday!
I really appreciated it!

Good work
Good blueprint
Awesome guy :smiley:
keep going!

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Hey @panhans! Would you mind sharing a bit of your experience? I am trying to automate TRV myself, with keeping a physical still usable.

I realized you have experimental feature for this. The behavior I wanted to implement myself: having internal state of “eco” and “comfort”, when in eco, but physical TRV is turned, I wanted to switch to comfort, adjust input_number for the comfort temps.

But I end up having a broken flow like: switching from comfort mode to eco triggers action to set TRV set temperature, but TRV’s temperature changed does triggers mode change back to comfort.

Did you somehow fix and recognize the physical only change when TRV is turned? I noticed following context conditional (mentioned across the forum as well) in your code:

      - condition: template
        value_template: "{{ trigger.id == 'comfort_change' and input_temperature_comfort != none and trigger.to_state.context.id != none and trigger.to_state.context.parent_id == none and trigger.to_state.context.user_id == none }}"

In my automation, I am seeing these values, even though everything is happening in UI/automations (device is not physically touched):

id=01HFJ8CH83SM0W6T0ZA8TTSECJ; parent_id=None; user_id=None;

We expect parent_id to be empty only when device is used physically, while I see it under automations only.

Any idea?

I encountered side effects, too. That’s why I marked this as experimental. There is some kind of recursion in that logic. Here is an example.

What I want to achieve:

  1. Change temp on trv
  2. trigger automation and change the input_number
  3. that triggers automation again. no problem: its running queued and I am fine with that behavior
  4. all trvs going to be set to new comfort temperature (don’t forget to check if mode and temp already set otherwise don’t call service again)

BUT: I think there is a problem with most TRVs since they have some kind of timeout when setting temperature. When setting them using service they take that value, store it for some time and set it by themselves which triggers the physical change again.
When I activate this option my comfort temperature will be set to minimum temp when temperature going to be set. That’s why i believe that the trvs behave like this. It’s the same like you set temperature manually. The temperature will be set when you don’t change it for 2 seconds or so in order to prevent to many zigbee messages. Don’t really have a solution. I can’t even find some kind of documentation about the trigger/state/context variables. All I’ve read is from this forum or github. Let me know if you know if there are official docs.

//EDIT: I will make some tests. I think I have to write an automation which listens on events since my ha instance gets flooded with state_changed events and sadly there is no way in dev tools to filter them by entity_id!?

//EDIT: Not possible to decide between automation template triggers or device triggers since there exists a bug in a. more info here.

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don’t work with moes BRT-100-TRV zigbee

Did you checked if you’re running the latest version? Can you post your version number? If it’s the latest please share a trace log. There is a hint in the first post of this thread.

Hi there,

Thank you so much for creating this blueprint.

I use the blueprint for three rooms and in every room the thermostat keeps resetting to 16 deg eventually, even while staying at home and not opening the windows. The Ive tried with both dynamic and static comfort temperature. Any idea why that could be? Id be happy to provide any logs that could help. This is for example the config for my bedroom.

alias: Heating Bedroom
description: ""
  path: panhans/heating_control.yaml
      - climate.eve_thermo_1b87
    input_temperature_minimum: 16
    input_temperature_comfort_static: 22
      - person.yuri
    input_mode_guest: input_boolean.guests_at_home
    input_mode_winter: input_boolean.heating
      - binary_sensor.eve_door_20ebn9901_door_2
    input_windows_reaction_time: 1
    input_presence_reaction_on_time: 1
    input_presence_reaction_off_time: 1

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Thank you for your feedback. Checkout the new version, please. Another user reported a bug when setting temp and no scheduler was set. Feel free to report back.

It was actually a problem related to the outdated version. I had to delete the project and reinstall it to get the update.

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