🔥 Advanced Heating Control

I think guest mode could solve that.

Yes, the documentation is not the best. Even the init script only end in an error. I will study the example and some existing integrations. Will see if a custom integration makes sense.

I had the same problem and thought it was a Z2M Issue. I reported it on Github

Since using

for calibration, it did not happen again.

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hi, if i understood you correctly, i ended up using Better Thermostat to link my thermo to my heat sensor and then added that as the thermostat in AHC.

I need to monitor it over a few days but i think this should do the trick. thanks!

This blueprint also supports that types of calibration. You also can use better thermostat but it’s not a must.

He can solve it right, but i think this is not the “real” function for it, im a friend of exactly funktions for a Button and this is not a Automatic when i need to de- & activated it for leaving.
It was only a useful Idea in my case as it was a little bit to cold i can solve it with a automation too, but it was easier in the blueprint.

About the blueprint Blow Up, all Buttons are helpers, maybe it makes sence to remove the static Minimum and comfort and go one way (only 2 Buttons but more General)

Can you explain how that away mode should work? Atm you can set a duration when heating turns off if you leaving your home. Then there will be in next release proximity integration where you can setup geofencing.
It’s not clear to me how exactly you detect the short abstinence.

It could be done when I revised the reset functionality. But here are some people who asked exactly that. I will think about it.

Sure, a third Temp Value with switch helper for de- & aktivated this function.
the function should only run in the Scheduler period und should on absend change the temp to this new temp value.

minimal 18
away 20 (this temp, when ur away and the function is activ, when deactiv minimal temp)
comfort 22

Yeah the Static Feature was a pleasure from me, but now i realise it is much more fexible with the helpers. :see_no_evil:

oh ok, that would be excellent. would you be able to give me a pointer on how to do that? i previously added a Hue temp sensor as an External Temperature Sensor, but i don’t think this worked and based on the help text i guess its not epected to? As its not a TRV, nor does it supply the required entities.

is it a v4 feature only?

Yes, v4 only. Just resetup your automation with v4 blueprint, select your sensor as calibration sensor and enable the generic calibration toggle.

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yeah thats working great. cheers and enjoy the :coffee:

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:fire: ADVANCED HEATING CONTROL v4 beta :fire:

With this release, everything what was planed is integrated. In beta stage I will focus on comfort heating plan to make it more robust and functional and the logic of resetting temperatures when scheduler / party / presence ends. Furthermore I will revise the logic to block more automation calls in the global condition section.


Hi there,

I’m moving over from Fibaro to HA and wanted to control my heating. I have a multi-zone underfloor heating system. I tried to use your Blueprint but can’t seem to get anywhere with it.

Can your blueprint control UFH as it is asking for thermostats but my system doesn’t work that way? Up until now I have used a Fibaro motion sensor which also measures temperature to control each rooms heat. The zones are activated by Fibaro double switches and come on at a set time each day with the sensor monitoring temps. I would like to take it to the next level to also include occupancy though happy to just get something working first.

Is there a step by step set of instructions for this as I’m new to HA and I don’t understand much of what I am doing so far.

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Hi @panhans, firstly a massive thanks for all the work you have put into this.

I’m having trouble configuring a timed manual override function which is applied at the physical thermostat. Are you able to offer any help with this?

My current config:

alias: Advanced Heating Control
description: ""
  path: panhans/heating_control.yaml
      - climate.computime_slr1_thermostat
    input_temperature_minimum: 4
    input_temperature_comfort_static: 12
    input_temperature_comfort: input_number.heating_comfort_temperature
      - person.me
      - person.thewife
    input_change_comfort_temperature_on_physical_change: true
    input_mode_party: timer.heating_party_mode_timer
    input_start_party_timer_on_physical_change: true

When the temperature is changed on the thermostat, input_number.heating_comfort_temperature is updated to the set temperature and timer.heating_party_mode_timer is started, as expected.

However, when timer.heating_party_mode_timer finishes, input_number.heating_comfort_temperature is not updated.

This means that rather than a manual override being applied for the duration of timer.heating_party_mode_timer, it is applied until the next event which updates the value of input_number.heating_comfort_temperature.

I’m a complete noob when it comes to HA but I am trying to learn. Apologies if this is a stupid question!

Edit: I don’t know if it’s relevant but I’m using scheduler-component to update the value of input_number.heating_comfort_temperature depending on the time of day.

Edit 2: SOLVED: I added another automation which runs scheduler-component entities when timer.heating_party_mode_timer changes from active.

alias: Heating Party Mode Changed From Active
description: ""
  - platform: state
      - timer.heating_party_mode_timer
    from: active
condition: []
  - service: scheduler.run_action
      entity_id: switch.schedule_weekday_schedule
  - service: scheduler.run_action
      entity_id: switch.schedule_weekend_schedule
mode: single
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on 4.0_beta1 now!

Having read all the questions above i propose some additions / care to the blueprints explanations. Maybe this is also for later in the process.

I am thinking about Ease of Use … avoiding further questions (some are recurring) and to make it easier/clearer for newcomers.

I guess the unit is the same as (and if) defined in the proximity integration (as put in configuration.yaml) … I am missing a hint to that.

add: Winter mode (if set) and Outside Temp Mode must be on for Party Mode to work

sort: i guess i would call it hierarchical sorting … for my understanding this block of setting should be sitting way more on top of the blueprint … accordings to its importance (enabling/disabling the whole automation) … as for now it´s sitting on position 25 (or so) - maybe only my thinking

Maybe really add some words for an use case example (“used by developer for boiler service in summer”)

Is there a way to add additional Headings / Seperators in the blueprint, to make different sections clearer? The icons you added already help a little in visual overview and orientation but still i think this could be clearer.

Thinking about something along these lines …

General activation/deactivation of the automation

Schedulers for changing to comfort temp

Proximity integration


TRV specific settings / adaptions TRV behaviors

… and so on … maybe we could have even a TOC with anchors in the settings (just dreaming here without knowing the restrictions of the blueprints)

PS: very much enjoying the process of the development of AHC - thanks for your efforts here!

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Can someone please explain to me if I need to trigger the automation every x seconds? The target temperature of the TRV doesn’t change when the room temperature is too low or too high. When running the automation manually, the target temperature gets calculated and changed.

Hi there! In the initial post you’ll find a short example setup for v3. I will update this document for v4 soon and add some more information. But I think it’s a good start and with that v4 is also logical to you.

This blueprint is very generic. Thermostat, valves… As long the entities in home assistant are climates it should work.

Saw you solved it by yourself. Do you want to reset the temperature when timer ends? If yes, there is a toggle in the config. But I think ha devs didn’t solve the bug with manual detection of value change yet. So this is still experimental.

Yes, it is. I will add it with the next update. As well as a more detailed description of the function and when it comes into effect.

Good point. I’ll think about it and make it more popular.

Yep, indeed! It needs more clarification.

I’d wish that. Will check this soon. At least the markdown support in blueprints is some kind of strange. Some tags have no impact, others only with white space enough line breaks. But a good designed section support would be great. If there exists a blueprint that looks good in ui let me know. :smiley:

Your welcome! It’s also a pleasure for me.

You can share a trace (explained in initial post) and maybe what you want to achieve and I will have a look into your configuration and try help you.

@sourdistorne managed to delete the direct homekit integration and now using the home assistant homekit integration. I finally see the TRVs on my frontend!! :slight_smile:

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I bow to you @P6Dave !!! thanks a million for taking the time to document and explain so clearly these concepts. You are a star!!

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i have also one additional what i havn´t tested. If i use the calibration what happend if the temperature sensor comes unavailable?

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The automation checks the value of the sensor weather it’s numeric or not. If it’s not nothing will happen and the calibration value will not be changed. The old value is maintained.
When using generic calibration the temperature gets set to the value without any offset.