🔥 Advanced Heating Control

I run in manually, i think the Setup is correct.
I get also no temp change.

Do you need the settings for more Troubleshooting?

Manual trigger will produce a warning atm. Try to trigger it by changing the comfort or eco temperature.
If it doesn’t work for you I will provide you some code for the template editor to see why there aren’t changes. You can also update the blueprint. There was also an issue for setting temperature if hvac off isn’t provided.

//EDIT: Could you also try to delete the automation and create a new one? There is many old stuff in your configuration and selectors that got a type change.

No, I didn’t play with one of these options. I just upgraded from v3 to v4 a few days ago and didn’t have time to play with any of the new features. But it seems like there’s some possibilites. Thanks

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i have create it new, but same problem, “no changes in the log”

Manual trigger again.

"trigger": {
  "platform": null

I will update the blueprint to allow changes when trigger it manually but atm it’s not possible. Just trigger it by changing scheduler or eco/comfort temperature.

The trigger part then looks like this:

"trigger": {
  "platform": "template",
  "entity_id": null,
  "from_state": null,
  "to_state": null,
  "id": "temperature_change_heating_adjustment",
  "idx": "30",
  "alias": null,
  "for": null,
  "description": "time change or manual update via template"

Especially have an eye on the id.

//EDIT: Maunal trigger works again. Just update the blueprint. If your AC has different target temp or hvac mode than processed by the blueprint the changes variable should be filled.

Also check if the service calls activate your AC.

service: climate.set_hvac_mode
  hvac_mode: cool
  entity_id: climate.ac
service: climate.set_temperature
  entity_id: climate.ac
  temperature: 10

i have tried both, sorry was the wrong file.

i reimport the blueprint and tried again same result

your example service calls are working

Hi guys.
Sorry for a total noob question. Awesome blueprint, so much easier than the tons of automations i had made before. Have a tado thermostat which is running great with person detection schedule and window sensor etc etc.

I cant work out how i either change the set temperature manually, or boost the temperature for a set amount of time. e.g
1 - change the temperature up to 21 from 19. Every time i just go to the thermostat via either home assistant or the actual thermostat and do this it just resets again wtihin a minute or so, presumably via the blueprint/automation
2 - a button to boost the house target temperature by 2 degrees for 2 hours would be great, but couldn’t figure that one out either.

Could you share at least your configuration and the version you’re using? I recommend to switch temperatures by comfort / eco helpers but switching temperatures by thermostat or climate card should also works. But if you do it this way the temperature will get reset when, scheduler changes, someone is home/away, presence change… it depends on your configuration. It won’t work with generic calibration or aggressive mode.
Since there is a bug in home assistant that you don’t let figure out where the temperatue change comes from I must remove the temperatue synchronization feature.

Just check out the current dev version. There you are able to define multiple party entities with different temperatures. Just have a look in the selector description. Then you’re able to start the timer by simply pressing a button.

I will prepare some template code to find the reason for that behavior. Mainly it’s almost the same logic for cooling like heating just with another hvac mode.

Alright, I can assist and share my Environment If you want to Test.

Thank you so much. Your tip to look at the dev version was actually what I needed. I got party mode working correctly with a toggle and now it’s great :smiley:

Great work

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My air conditioner works now, is there a way that he only starts/trigger when the Temp Sensor is higher than the Comfort temp?

Just faced some interesting behavior and was wondering if this can be changed. So I did add some presence awareness to some of my automations. Now I noticed that whenever nobody is at home the temperature is dropping down to the eco level defined which is wonderful.
However as soon as the person gets back and is present the temperature is rising to the defined comfort level totally ignoring individual schedule settings which I defined as well.
Rather than going to the comfort temperature ignoring schedule settings, is there a way that returning home triggers the schedule and things are being set to the desired level from the schedule and not to the comfort level only? I would love to have the return home action trigger a schedule check and apply the defined temperature based on that.

Currently worst case is that I return back home and everything is heating up to comfort while it should be lower temperature according to the schedule settings and it will take several ours for another schedule based adjustment so I always need to manually adjust all TRVs…

So I’m wondering if and how things can be changed to the desired behaviour?

Just pushed an update in dev. But it’s untested. :wink:

There is some logic to figure out the comfort temperature. The temperature in schedule adjustments will be preferred. But if you change the comfort entity the timestamps will be compared. So is the change of the comfort entity after the adjustments entry the comfort entity’s temperature will be taken.
Could it be that you enabled Reset Temperature? Then the temperature entity gets a reset to your static one and if someone returns back home the comfort entity will be taken. If this isn’t the case I will check this issue soon.

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im here for testing :wink:
Here the log, no reaction when i activate it

Have a try with the current version again. If it’s not working I will check this later this day.

Nope :slight_smile:, alright thank you

You’re right… since it mentioned party mode I did not connect it to this behavior. Awesome, I will change it and check. Thanks a lot for the quick hint! :heart_hands:

Just updated the dev version. In my testing environment it works as expected.

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I’ve just updated blueprint to v4 and it’s great, thank you for the improvements and additional features!

As I move away from Better Thermostat to the blueprint calibration settings is there a way to track the history of the target temperature that the blueprint is setting?
I need to use the generic calibration blueprint settings on my TRVs so this will override the actual target temperature on my TRVs right?

When using BT I can see the target temperature history set by the blueprint simply by pulling up the BT entity in Home Assistant. Once I bypass BT I will lose that and since the blueprint has multiple target temperature settings: eco temp, comfort temp, frost protect temp and force max temp, it’s helpful to quickly review “what temp have I been targeting today/this week/right now”.

I guess I could create a generic thermostat for the blueprint to control in parallel with my actual TRV but that seems a bit over complicated?

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Perfect now it works :wink: - thanks

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