Advanced Home Greeting


So i’ve been tinkering with this idea for a few days now. And instead of figuring out everything myself, I’d like to have your opinion/thoughts about this.

The idea:
Have Home Assistant send a greeting to the Google Home speakers when someone arrives at home. The greeting should give a short summary of the things you’ve ‘missed’ while you where gone.
For instance:

  • Motion detections on the camera’s
  • Temperature
  • Battery states <10%
  • Power/Gas usage
  • Solar panel production
  • If the vacuum ran while I was gone
    Please note, these are just examples.

Most stuff isn’t really that hard, but for the motion detections on the camera I need a way to summarise the amount of triggers in the period I was absent.
I’ve been thinking to tackle this in several ways:
Method 1:

  • Start timer sensor if ‘tracker_me’ is ‘away’
  • Use jinja to calculate summary based on timer sensor from step 1

Method 2:

  • Use the history component in some way I can calculate the state change
  • Use period to calculate summary of number of events.

Method 3:

  • Create seperate sensor of camera to count motion if ‘tracker_me’ is ‘away’
  • Wipe stats after 20 min if ‘tracker_me’ is ‘home’

Are there better ways of configuring this?
Has anyone already have a system up and running like this?

the easiest is probably to use a counter.
Reset it at midnight or when you leave home, when motion changes to motion detected, increment the counter.
When you reach home, simply get TTS to read the counter status