Updated: Working code in post 2. Ive come to realize jinja will ALWAYS return a string, and a list cannot and will not ever be output. Post 2 has the only way to create a list and use jinja.
I am working on creating a light template (for philips hue bulbs) utilizing zha groups. I have it mostly working, but am struggling to get color working, and i think it has to do with formatting.
args should be a list, and the macro is returning a list [x, y, transition]
I know with template lights, the variables are supposed to be contained within double quotes, and i think somewhere this is where it is failing. (h and s are from the color picker)
The math is all correct, and the returned values work in the dev tools>services.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
- platform: template
# light.living_room_hue_1, light.living_room_hue_1, light.living_room_hue_1, light.living_room_hue_1
friendly_name: "Living Room Lights"
service: zha.issue_zigbee_group_command
group: 0x0001
cluster_id: 6
command: 1
args: []
service: zha.issue_zigbee_group_command
group: 0x0001
cluster_id: 6
command: 0
args: []
service: zha.issue_zigbee_group_command
group: 0x0001
cluster_id: 8
command: 4
- "{{ brightness }}" # level (0-255)
- 5 # transition time
service: zha.issue_zigbee_group_command
group: 0x0001
cluster_id: 768
command: 7
args: >-
{%- macro hs_to_xy(iH, iS, iV, transition) -%}
{# Convert from hue/saturation to RGB #}
{# Hue is scaled 0-360 #}
{# Sat is scaled 0-100 #}
{# Val is scaled 0-100 #}
{%- set h = iH / 360 -%}
{%- set s = iS /100 -%}
{%- set v = iV / 100 -%}
{%- if s == 0.0: -%}
{%- set rgb = v, v, v -%}
{%- endif -%}
{%- set i = (h*6.0)|int -%}
{%- set f = (h*6.0) - i -%}
{%- set p = v*(1.0 - s) -%}
{%- set q = v*(1.0 - s*f) -%}
{%- set t = v*(1.0 - s*(1.0-f)) -%}
{%- set i = i%6 -%}
{%- if i == 0: -%}
{%- set fRGB = v, t, p -%}
{%- elif i == 1: -%}
{%- set fRGB = q, v, p -%}
{%- elif i == 2: -%}
{%- set fRGB = p, v, t -%}
{%- elif i == 3: -%}
{%- set fRGB = p, q, v -%}
{%- elif i == 4: -%}
{%- set fRGB = t, p, v -%}
{%- elif i == 5: -%}
{%- set fRGB = v, p, q -%}
{%- endif -%}
{%- set rgb = ((fRGB[0] * 255)|int, (fRGB[1] * 255)|int, (fRGB[2] * 255)|int) -%}
{#{ rgb }#}
{# Convert from RGB color to XY color #}
{%- set iR = rgb[0] -%}
{%- set iG = rgb[1] -%}
{%- set iB = rgb[2] -%}
{%- if iR + iG + iB == 0: -%}
{%- set xy = 0.0, 0.0, 0 -%}
{%- endif -%}
{%- set R = iR / 255 -%}
{%- set B = iB / 255 -%}
{%- set G = iG / 255 -%}
{# Gamma correction #}
{%- set R = ((R + 0.055) / (1.0 + 0.055) ** 2.4) if (R > 0.04045) else (R / 12.92) -%}
{%- set G = ((G + 0.055) / (1.0 + 0.055) ** 2.4) if (G > 0.04045) else (G / 12.92) -%}
{%- set B = ((B + 0.055) / (1.0 + 0.055) ** 2.4) if (B > 0.04045) else (B / 12.92) -%}
{# Wide RGB D65 conversion formula #}
{%- set X = R * 0.664511 + G * 0.154324 + B * 0.162028 -%}
{%- set Y = R * 0.283881 + G * 0.668433 + B * 0.047685 -%}
{%- set Z = R * 0.000088 + G * 0.072310 + B * 0.986039 -%}
{# Convert XYZ to xy #}
{%- set x = X / (X + Y + Z) -%}
{%- set y = Y / (X + Y + Z) -%}
{# Brightness #}
{%- set Y = 1 if Y > 1 else Y -%}
{%- set brightness = (Y * 255)|round -%}
{%- set xy = x|round(3), y|round(3), brightness -%}
{#{ xy }#}
[{{ (xy[0] * 65535)|int }}, {{ (xy[1] * 65535)|int }}, {{ transition }}]
{%- endmacro -%}
"{{ hs_to_xy(h, s, 100, 5) }}"
service: zha.issue_zigbee_group_command
group: 0x0001
cluster_id: 768
command: 10
- "{{ color_temp }}" # color temperature (153-500)
- 5 # transition time