I’m using a USB HDD connected to a very old router using SMB vers. 1, which the router only supports (I know, I know…). I’m able to connect to it through the HA GUI, set SMB vers. 1 and use is as a backup target perfectly fine. But the share does not support unix extensions and it spams the bus with various debug messages every other minute. I know from my experience that I have to set the 'nounix,noserverino" options while mounting this HDD for it to be perfectly utilised by Linux. But it does not appear there is a way to set these parameters through the HA GUI. Also the fstab file of the OS (which is empty) is autogenerated during restarts. I’ve tried to mount the drive upon HA restart using the ‘shell.command’ and an automation but especially the mount command does not work (even though I’m able to mount the drive perfectly fine through HA CLI with the same command). Does someone have any ideas how I can pass these advanced mount parameters during the mounting of the HDD and make this persistent?