Hi there. I would like to simulate sunrise at odd times to help wake up/wind down. I work odd hours so the actual sunrise/sunset do not usually correspond with my schedule. What light would be the best to try to create a simulated sunrise at an odd time? Most of the stuff I’ve seen only allows the user to mimic the actualy sunrise/sunset times based on your location.
My guess is the Hue lights but before I go an purchase them I would like some advice on potentially how one would go about implementing the feature. For instance, are there any lights out there where you can control the lighting (color, brightness, etc) all directly from HomeAssistant? Or must you use scenes native to the device to do all of the automation?
Throwing another vote in for Hue. I do this exact thing with one in my bedroom because I keep my drapes and blinds closed (street lights at night are very bright). It’s scheduled to start up around 830am, which I defined in HASS, despite the fact that sunrise is around 720am right now.