Advice on Lux sensor

Hi all,

Could someone point me in the way of a ZigBee lux level sensor. Preferably ZigBee?

No issues with it being battery powered. The more plug and play the better though.


Plug & play with ZHA. I bought it for 16€ some time ago.

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Have that too, on Deconz/conbee Ii. Very happy with it. Battery will last more than a year, have not seen it empty yet. Works like a charm. if placed away from rain it will also survive outside. I’m using it like this outside:


Never thought of that :slight_smile:


I’ll see if it’s in the UK. I want it for I thermal use but good to know it will work outside too.

This one also has a motion sensor included. :slight_smile: (yes, I use the LUX meter function also)

The lux meter on that motion sensor is far less sensitive, and as far as I know that one does not always update lux if there is no motion. So it is fine if you want to know if motion should turn the light on, but I would not use it for e.g. the blinds.


Correct, at leas in my experience.

I’ve gone with a Frient model. An Amazon review confirmed you can read the lux value through HA.

I’ve got Frient Smoke and Heat detectors that tied in no problem.

Thanks for your help ppl.

You needn’t do that, the xiaomi light sensor is already water resistant. I have one outside and it’s survived two whole years with quiet a few rains, more than 100 rains a year here where I live


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