Advice on relay-board set-up to control 11 motorized rollers. Circuit and EPShome config

Hey everyone,

I am about to build an ESP home controlled 22-relay set to control 11 motorized rollers.

Each roller has 4 cables, Gnd, Neutral, and two power lines so they will each need two commands, up and down, hence the 22 relay set-up.

I thought of two options:

  1. the easy one, Always provide power to two relays per roller and use one for each movement (Up/Dn), like this:

    Then i would software-interlink the relays in ESPhome to make sure (?) that only one is on at a time.
    The upside to this solution is that i would use one relay per movement (only 11 would work if i needed to open/close everything) but, on the other hand, if for any reason they both stay open i might damage the roller motor.

  2. Would be to use one relay to control power (on/off) for each motor and a second one to control direction (up down) Like this:

    Then i would need to create templates switch inside esphome to make the two relays work as one and interlock every couple of switches
    Now this option is indeed safer for the motor as it ensures there will never be power on both directions, but in the case i will need to open/close everything, then all 22 relays will need to run.

I am personally tending towards the second option, although more complicated, i think it will be tidier.

What’s your opinion?

Side question: I am using an ESP32 (wroom32) which has around 14 output gpios - this is an issue.
I tried daisy-chaining two SN74HC595 chips to increase my output pins but the behavior was kind of random, it didnt feel safe.
I think i will use two ESP chips to divide half the relays on each. - Any input?

Thank you in advance.

Hi Harry,

answered in your other thread already.
Nevertheless, please make your circuit safe and avoid interlock.
Means, 1x relay is setting the direction, the other 1x Relay is powering it :wink:

Gio-dot - Safe Circuit Roller Shutter

Thanks, that’s how I ended up wiring it. It’s working great so far except an issue when the esp’s sometimes reset when all the relays switch off simultaneously. Still trying to figure this out.

Okay, nice!

Your Side question.
If you don’t feel comfortable with the shift register, you may use:
ESP 16 Relay + I2C I/O Expander

We are communicating simultaneously on 3 different threads :slight_smile:
Here is my final hardware setup:
Two sides, one with low voltage and one with high voltage
Also included, two air quality sensors, a led strip connection and my living room’s exhaust fan connected to the last relay (the white cable)