I am looking for any smart vents to put into various rooms in my older drafty poorly insulated home with single-zone forced air vents for heating and cooling that I can integrate into Home Assistant. I curently have HA Supervised controlling a large number of Shelly relays as well as what turned out to be a large number of Yolink devices. Although I am trying to stay away from cloud-based sevices, I grudgingly stuck with Yolink as I use a third-pary service they partner with (VirtuAlarm) that can call people I specify and then the police for alerts (as I found no such call service that works directly with HA). As a start, here are my requirements/preferences for smart air vents:
- Integrate with home assistant (either a formal integration or HACS is fine)
- must be able to see battery status in HA
- preferably not cloud-based
- preferably WiFi only, no third party hub required
Thoughts? Anybody know of any that are close to some of the above requirements/preferences? After a prelimninary search (seems like nobody has anything that matches the above) the best option I found seemed to be “Flair” but want to be sure before I settle on a brand…?
Are my only options these three - Keen, Flair, or Ecovent (which are from Keen)?