Aeon Labs Z-stick gen5 on Hassbian


I have a new fresh install of Hassbian on my Rpi 2.
What is the right method to setup and install Aeon Labs Z-stick gen5 on this?
Followed the z-wave guide on, but couldn’t figure it out.

It should just be a matter of working through the configuration guide.

You’ll have to install one package (sudo apt-get install libudev-dev) and then work through the steps.


I have run (sudo apt-get install libudev-dev), got a message that this is allready installed, so that should be ok.

I have put in the z-wave component and added the usb-path in my configuration.yaml-file. I am sure i have added this the right way. HA frontend reports that it is not able to configure the z-wave component.

Now I am stuck on what to do next. What command should I run? Is there anything I need to install?

Check the (recently added) troubleshooting section. Your problem could be a file permissions problem on the device, or even an incorrect USB device path.

Did you run sudo usermod -a -G dialout homeassistant first? You can confirm your z-wave path is correct in your configuration.yaml file?