Aeon Labs ZWave extender lots of duplicates and worse network?

Hopefully this is in the right section of the forum apologies if not.

I have started looking into Z-Wave for controlling things, and have an Aeotec Gen 5 stick which has so far worked great with the PoppTo TRVs that I have. One TRV at the furthest point from the HA machine was unsurprisingly out of range, so I recently added an Aeon Labs Range Extender 6.

Since then the whole things seems to have gotten worse! Restaring HA results in a LONG wait for my network of 2 active TRVs, extender and Z-wave stick to come online, looking at the log on the Z-Wave integration there seems to be a LOT of chatter back and forth with the extender. Whilst one of my previously fine TRVs is now unable to see the Z-Wave stick anymore.

Looking at the node information for the range extender shows it as Initializing for a LONG time with the RecievedDups count only a few behind the Recieved count. I am therefore assuming that possibly the range extender isn’t always seeing the messages from the stick and resending duplicate responses? Which might account for it’s so far less than impressive functionality?

I was expecting that the range extension would actually be outside of the room with the HA machine in, but so far it is located in the room next door on the otherside of a plasterboard wall about 2-3 m from the HA machine.

Can anyone suggest where I am going wrong?

Thanks in advance

I have just ran MinOZW on the HA host and the output is somewhat confusing as I am seeing reference to nodes that are not in my Z-Wave integration !?

2020-09-07 17:28:36.813 Info, Node010, Received reply to FUNC_ID_ZW_GET_NODE_PROTOCOL_INFO
2020-09-07 17:28:36.813 Info, Node010,   Protocol Info for Node 10:
2020-09-07 17:28:36.813 Info, Node010,     Listening     = true
2020-09-07 17:28:36.813 Info, Node010,     Beaming       = true
2020-09-07 17:28:36.813 Info, Node010,     Routing       = true
2020-09-07 17:28:36.813 Info, Node010,     Max Baud Rate = 40000
2020-09-07 17:28:36.813 Info, Node010,     Version       = 4
2020-09-07 17:28:36.813 Info, Node010,     Security      = false
2020-09-07 17:28:36.813 Info, Node010,   Basic device class    (0x04) - Routing Slave
2020-09-07 17:28:36.813 Info, Node010,   Generic device Class  (0x0f) - Repeater Slave
2020-09-07 17:28:36.813 Info, Node010,   Specific device class (0x01) - Basic Repeater Slave
2020-09-07 17:28:36.814 Info, Node010,     COMMAND_CLASS_BASIC is not mapped
2020-09-07 17:28:36.814 Info, Node010,   Mandatory Command Classes for Node 10:
2020-09-07 17:28:36.814 Info, Node010,     COMMAND_CLASS_BASIC
2020-09-07 17:28:36.814 Info, Node010,   Mandatory Command Classes controlled by Node 10:
2020-09-07 17:28:36.814 Info, Node010,     None

Node 10 being the extender. So it seems to recognise the device correctly.

I have just noticed these:

2020-09-07 22:41:45.725 Detail, Node010, Queuing (Send) ColorCmd_Get (Node=10): 0x01, 0x0a, 0x00, 0x13, 0x0a, 0x03, 0x33, 0x03, 0x02, 0x25, 0x1a, 0xe2
2020-09-07 22:41:45.725 Detail, Node010, Queuing (Send) ColorCmd_Get (Node=10): 0x01, 0x0a, 0x00, 0x13, 0x0a, 0x03, 0x33, 0x03, 0x03, 0x25, 0x1b, 0xe2
2020-09-07 22:41:45.725 Detail, Node010, Queuing (Send) ColorCmd_Get (Node=10): 0x01, 0x0a, 0x00, 0x13, 0x0a, 0x03, 0x33, 0x03, 0x04, 0x25, 0x1c, 0xe2

Are these colour change commands? if so why are they there I have no lights connected to this system, only extender and TRVs