Aeotec DSB09104 Home Energy Meter not updating in HASS

Hey, this configuration worked perfectly. Thank you!

has anyone one found out how to make this thing reset automatically every month or so?

Where did you get it?

BTW this is a working firmware link…
for 3.61, 3.64 and 3.67

Don’t think it’s possible. I successfully created a few sensors (template and file) that track total reach night at midnight and provide daily use (energy) and cost (assuming 12.1¢ according to my bill after taxes). I’ll post the info tomorrow.

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Every night @ 0001 I query the energy total from the DSB09104 and save it to a file using an automation/script/shell command. I then create a file sensor that pulls this energy reading from the file and maintains the exact reading until the next day’s automation/script/shell command overwrites the file. This total is subtracted from another template sensor that updates the current reading according to the DSB09104’s 30-second (or whatever is set as the interval) posts. I also created a current power sensor, good for situational awareness if you wish to spot check current power usage. The final sensor is a daily cost sensor, taken from multiplying the daily energy use number (kWh) by my energy company’s cost per kilowatt of 12.1 cents (factored in fees and taxes).

  • automations.yaml
- id: energybaseline
  alias: energybaseline
    platform: time
    at: '00:00:01'
    service: script.energybaselinescript
  • script.yaml
  alias: grab current reading from zwave sensor (midnight)
    - service: shell_command.energybaselineshell
  • shell_command.yaml (NOTE: Remember to change the url to point to your HA instance AND update the api password)
  energybaselineshell: "curl -X GET -H 'Content-Type: application/json' '' -o /home/ha/.homeassistant/energybaseline.txt"
  • sensors.yaml
- platform: file
  name: energybaseline
  file_path: /home/ha/.homeassistant/energybaseline.txt
  value_template: '{{ value_json.state }}'
  unit_of_measurement: 'kWh'

- platform: template
      friendly_name: 'Daily Energy Use'
      unit_of_measurement: 'kWh'
      value_template: '{{ (states.sensor.energymeter_energy.state | float - states.sensor.energybaseline.state | float) | round(2) }}'
- platform: template
      friendly_name: 'Daily Energy Cost'
      unit_of_measurement: '$'
      value_template: '{{ (states.sensor.dailyenergycumulative.state | float * 0.121) | round(2) }}'

I know I am late to the game here, but I just purchased the Aeotech Home Energy Monitor and it was installed today. I have it paired to HA but I am having a heck of a time understanding the configuration parameters. I used @Scott_Johnston XML file as a starting point.

First, how do I tell which version of the meter I have? It does not show as Zwave+ in HA so I don’t know for sure if its Gen 5 or not and then which version it is. It is model DSB09104, though.

It appears there is Group 1, 2, and 3. I wanted to see kWh, Amperage, and Total kWh. Kilowatt/hours for clamp 1 and 2 is 2048 and 4096 for a total of 6144. So I set the group 1 report to that.

Group 2 I set for amperage for clamp 1 and clamp 2. That was 1572864 for both of the values.

Group 3 I just set to 1 total kWh.

I set the report intervals to 30 seconds. Restarted HA and everything went well until I tried to decipher to the numbers. My thinking was that Amerage would have been displayed as Amps, but all the numbers are either in kWh or Watts. There is a configuration item to see the voltage too, but I don’t see how that would show up either. Do you have to change the group unit display too?

All the values are listed as wither Home Energy Meter Energy or Home Energy Meter Power. I understand the difference, but I don’t see how you can configure it for voltage or amps if all it will display is energy (kWh) or Power (Watts).

Can anyone shed any light on all this? Thanks.

after almost 6 months, I still have trouble with this. it seems that the device itself only works flawless with the Samsung Smartthings. I have to uninstall and unpair and redo the whole procedure just to get the damm thing to reset to 0 every month. and the reading itself is not that reliable.
Oh, for the version… Open the .xml it creates on you config folder and the version info will be at the very end.

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Update after all my grumbling: Using @Scott_Johnston 's zwcfg example (thank you Scott!) I was able to get it running correctly. I noticed that with 6 sensors with polling_intensity=1, there was a noticeable drag on my z-wave network (sometimes delaying lights by a few seconds).

I reduce the polling intensity to just the 3 first sensors (each phase the the sum) and now I’m pretty much good. I’ll probably just reduce to the first (total) sensor, as polling is really not ideal.

On that note, has anyone been able to get this to push updates? Thanks!

Hi reichley.
Would you feel like sharing your code for this group as well?

Are you referring to my groups.yaml entry? If so, see below…

  name: Energy
  - group.energy_group
  view: true
  name: energy_group
  - sensor.energymeter_energy
  - sensor.energymeter_power
  #- sensor.energymeter_previous_reading
  - sensor.energybaseline
  - sensor.dailyenergycumulative
  - sensor.dailyenergycost

I really like what you did. I would like to replicate it on my system. I’m wondering if you would be willing to give further instruction, maybe the files you created with your info replaced with “X” or something. not sure locations for files and the contents. Also I’m trying to get all this to play nice with Google home. Thanks in advance.

Thanks. Def willing to help. Most important question is whether you currently have a HEM/energy sensor already joined to your zwave device/net and reporting info on a regular basis?

It doesn’t report correctly. This is what I’m currently looking at. What I need: names, location, and content of all files involved.
Thanks a lot for the help.

Does the sensor report value updates? And if so, are they often? Your picture shows all the sensors created by the energy meter so “fixing” the display by implementing a default view would allow you to manage what’s seen.Groups/Default View

It only updates if I restart HA. What I would like it to do. Move all the sensors into a page like you did and get it to update correctly.

Part of my problem is that I don’t code well or understand it very well. I’ve always been a windows and hardware person. So this is totally new for me with a steep learning curve.

would you spoon feed us by let us look at your configuration parameters? I just got mine two days ago, and I too, stuck at device not refreshing, device kept “sleeping”, device claim to be on battery while it’s on usb, etc.

and we have no idea any of how to configure the device, especially for those who knows nothing about bitwise operation.

thanks in advance

Since I dont’ know anything about bitwise operations, I am struggling to understand how to configure this device.

Has anyone managed to make sense out of the official “calculation spreadsheet,” which contains DBS09104 (Gen1 tab) information?

thanks in advance

Under the zwave control panel > device “energy meter” > node config options my settings read 782 for group #101 (Group 1 Reports) and 10 for group #111 (Group 1 Interval). If those two changes don’t provide updates every 10 seconds to current and power then I’ll share my entire node entry in the .XML this evening when I have a chance, gentlemen.