Hi there,
I started to play with Z-Wave a few days ago but it does not work very well for me so far. I have an Aoetec Gen5 Stick on a Raspberry Pi 3 B+ and an Aeotec Dual Nano Switch to command some Wi-Fi lights via HA.
The electric setup does work perfectly (I can hear the relay clicking when use each switch). On HA side, things are unreliable and I noticed the following behaviour : the switch will not work if I haven’t used it for a while. When it starts reworking again, then it’s fine for a few minutes and then it stops again.
I browsed the logs from Open ZWave and I found the following errors (many occurences):
2020-03-05 07:22:50.349 Error, Node002, Cannot find endpoint map to instance for Command Class COMMAND_CLASS_HAIL endpoint 1
2020-03-05 07:22:50.377 Error, Node002, Cannot find endpoint map to instance for Command Class COMMAND_CLASS_HAIL endpoint 2
Node002 being the Nano Switch. It looks to me like Open ZWave component does not know how to route the switch event. I tried to reboot and it keeps coming back. I have cleared out everything (remove all devices and configurations) and tried again. Same results.
How can I help troubleshooting this issue?