I don’t see anything strange in the logs. Only that the coordinator is jammed and then is ready again. My devices are almost all the same as before. Compared to that I have some battery powered devices added, that are a sleep most of the time.
The Gen5 stick never jammed or had problem. The network was a lot more stable. So it does not make that much sense that it’s so unstable after switching coordinator.
I did one change this afternoon and disabled LR. The coordinator has not jammed since then. I had to disconnect and re-connect the coordinator because the whole network went down a hour after the change. Not sure that that fixes the problem.
I have seen some people with probs with 700 series, but hadn’t seen any 800 issues. What a shame as I find the 800 series range and performance so much better. I have been slowly moving from plus v1 to plus v2 for most things that I can.
I have no problem at all. But the first two weeks after moving back to the 500 sucked.
The culprit was yes partly the 700 stick but mostly:
Devices that are S0 joined when the don’t need to be
Devices spamming the network (chattty energy meter, dying fan controller)
Each incident by itself was able to crater my install like the 700 stalling issue but it was. Purely traffic. When I moved to the 500 stick I still had to fix THAT. Once I did it became stable as a rock.
So just moving to the 500 isn’t enough. Move AND Fix bad stuff on the network.
Nathan, are you planning to move to an 800, or happy to stay on the 500? I’ve had a 500 for years with 0 problems. Still eyeing to upgrade, but not sure if its worth the trouble.
Doing the rough math, you have about 3200 updates (just counting the top ones) over the course of 150 minutes. That’s 21 updates per minute or one every 3 seconds. That is too much traffic. Start with the worst power meter at node 38 and reconfigure it to report much less frequently and only the data you are actually using, and work down the list from there. You are about 10x over where my network is.
Same… Granted I did it by pulling ALL my power meters off of ZWave. But when I had mine 15 seconds on a few plugs was the max I could allow before things got weird. But really do you need 15 second resolution on your power metering?
I get it if you’re using power meter to trigger something and want to know exactly when something happens. But most power triggered events I’ve run across no matter media need some kind of smoothing anyhow so you’re not getting real time anyway…
If you are using it to trigger, most good power sensors have a threshold for a change before reporting. I’d recommend doing this as it will eliminate a lot of data. For example, my humidifier draws 60 watts when it is on, I have the change threshold set to 30 watts. If you have 20 power sensors each going off once a minute that’s still too much.
Thought process:
a) what am I using the sensor for? If not using eliminate. E.g. do you really need voltage, current, watts and watt-hours? Disable on the device and in HA.
b) what’s the maximum reporting interval or change that I can use? If it’s just power reporting then every 10 minutes should be fine. If it’s triggering, what does it trigger to, what’s a reasonable change threshold.
I mainly use it to check how much power it is using and to see if I need an automation to enable/disable it to prevent devices using power when they are standby, etc.
Just disabling it would be enough, to prevent it from sending data?
The zwave device configuration should be updated to not send it or send it at a lower frequency / higher change threshold. If you disable sending voltage, for example, then I would also disable the voltage sensor in HA since it won’t have data. But disabling voltage in HA, will not prevent the device from sending it on the zwave network.
You may want to start by being fairly aggressive, because the first goal is to see if the zwave network can be stable. What are the devices you have?
Hmmm ok. I want to keep track of the kWh to see how much everything uses my energy dashboard. I am ok with not reporting any power data every few minutes or at all. I only want the kWh to work and show the total usage.
I have the following in my network:
39 Fibaro power plugs
8 Fibaro dimmer 2
1 Fibaro motion sensor
10 Aeotec temperature sensor
1 Fibaro single switch
1 Fibaro double switch
The energy dashboard updates stats once per hour as long as you have one power report during the hour it will get it.
If you do what Pete says you can absolutely drop that traffic by an order of magnitude… And then as to timers use how many reports doI want in an hour. (4- 15min, 2-30, etc.)