Aeotec Gen5 stick and WD500Z-1 wall dimmer switch plus YRD216 lock

A while back I had a Home Assistant server on a Raspberry Pi 2 that I created myself using the old virtualenv approach. I was able to get the Z-wave configuration set up so that I could control the WD500Z-1 wall dimmer switch via Home Assistant (it would show a toggle on the main screen). However, I didn’t have much time to play around with Home Assistant so I shelved the project for a few years. This week I sat down to take another look and decided to upgrade to the hassbian Raspberry Pi 2 image. That went extremely smoothly. However, I’m a bit confused about where to go to from here. The Z-wave configuration automatically found my two Z-wave devices (the WD500Z-1 wall dimmer switch and the YRD216 lock). However, I don’t seem to be able to do anything with these devices. For example, If I try to set up an automation for a light, I get an error that there’s no available light entity. Likewise, for the lock there are only three entities (sensor alarm level, alarm type and battery level). There’s no ability to lock/unlock.

A few more images since I can’t add more than one image to my first post.

You’ll likely need to unpair the devices and re-pair them. Locks require adding via Add Secure Node.

Re-pair the switch via Add Node don’t use the secure option.

Thank you. I’ll try this tonight.

This worked, but I now have a new issue. I had to unplug the Raspberry Pi and move it closer to the device to get it to unpair/repair. The process went fine and I was able to control it via Home Assistant. I then unplugged the Raspberry Pi and moved it back to it’s original location. However, Home Assistant no longer gives me an option to control the light. It says “This entity is not currently available”. It looks like the controller can still see the device via the mesh network and I was able to associate the dimmer switch with an auxiliary switch (also zwave). This is odd because I was able to perform the association despite Home Assistant reporting the entity is not available.

However, as long as Home Assistant reports the entity not being available, I cannot control the switch from Home Assistant. Any advice?

Thank you.

Does it show up in the zwave control panel as a node?

Yes it does. I tried rebooting the system and now everything works fine. Thanks for all your help!

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