Aeotec Minimote: Installing and Stuck in "Initializing"

Hi Team,
I have Minimote Gen2 that bought a while ago, and now trying to install w/Aeotec USB Z-Stick.

**** Steps Taken ****
Not sure I installed properly but here are steps I took:

  1. On HA, Configuration, ZWave, Click Add Node
  2. On Minimote, click Learn Button

HA Z-Wave Node Management, Nodes, shows:
zwave.aeotec_dsa03202_minimote_2 (initializing)

**** Problem ****
The Entity stays permanently in “Initializing” and I cannot use.

Can someone guide me if installed correctly? Or how to kick-start it out of Initializing.

Thank you in Advance,
Hassio, rPI, 0.77.2
|Resin OS 2.3.0+rev1|

Are you sure you can’t use it? Have you looked to see if the state changes on any of the entities when you push a button?

As far as I know (I don’t have a mini-mote but I have other battery powered z wave devices) “initializing” is a normal state and shouldn’t effect the operation. I have 8 total battery powered z wave devices and they all say “initializing(CacheLoad)” pretty much all the time.

Solved: Finally have the minimote working.
My challenge was joining to the USB Z-Stick and then keeping default values of the minimote.

I had to:

  1. Update firmware to 1.19 (used EU Frequency)
  2. Initialized Minimote by holding down bottom two buttons (under shield)
  3. Add Z-Stick to inclusion mode – on HA/Configuration/ZWave/Add Node
  4. Then Press Learn on Minimote.

Now onto more automating!