I have this plugged in on USB power, and it doesn’t seem to be reporting humidity updates quickly. Do I have to change a setting?
When on USB power, you control the frequency via two Z-Wave Config parameters:
101 Group 1 Reports
This controls which items will be sent (Luminance, Humidity, etc.)
111 Group 1 Interval
This controls how often updates will be sent (in seconds.) Make this number smaller to send updates more frequently.
This assumes you’re using only Group 1. You can use up to 3 groups to use different update intervals for different groups of sensors.
If you’re on battery power, then it won’t update any faster than the wakeup interval.
BTW, although I have one of these sensors, I’ve only run it on battery, although I just switched it to USB power. I’m planning on changing these config parameters, but haven’t done so yet. I’m basing the above on the docs.
Thanks for the explanation. So my interval is set to 3600s this explains, why it takes an hour for the update. However i would exepct an update an certain level changes.
Humidity rose more than 10% … why is this not reported? Can i change the treshold wihtout changing the intervall?
Also what are these limits used for?