Aeotec Multisensor 6 Motion detection prblem

Hi, I have a problem with Aeotec Multisensor 6 motion detection.

It was working fine for a while, then it stopped working. I’m not sure if it happened after HASS update or not.
My current HASS version is: 0.53.0

The problem is that it wont’ change it’s state. It was once stuck at 254 (or 253, not sure) value. I shook it, and it switched to ‘3’, so this part is working.

But it wont’ change to ‘8’ when motion is detected, and it won’t switch back to ‘0’ after a while.

Other sensors seem to be working fine, however.

What might be the problem here?


Did you ever find a solution to this problem?

Well, I it’s working now. I don’t remember what helped, I think re-adding it to zwave network or something. I do have 1 or 2 “dead” duplicates of it, just hid them.

Sometimes it stops updating temperature readings, goes dead until I force zwave network to restart by restarting Hass. It always helps. Overall I find ZigBee to be a bit more reliable in this regard, but that can be just something to do with my particular setup or UZB stick or something.

I didn’t do a clean install of Hass in like 3-5 years if not longer, so reinstalling it was not required, that’s what I can say for sure :smiley: