Aeotec multisensor 6 motion detection

I have the above mentioned sensor and i would like to ask which setting do i have to change in the Zwave control panel in order for the sensor to detect motion a lot quicker than the default setting (i dont mean the sensitivity but the time to redect motion).

I guess it is the time in which the sensor.burglar goes from 8 to 0 in order to be able to be triggered again.

Any ideas?

When you are in the OZWCP it is at the very top of the Configuration items. It is 240 by default if I remember correctly. It is in seconds, therefore by default, it is set to 4 minute reset. I have a couple of these set up as test items in my HA system and I have set it as low as 30 seconds. Not very practical of a time, but allows me to quickly test things.

You can change this from within HA also, I believe. See: Z-Wave Device Specific Settings

To do that you will have to know which node ID your particular device is. You can find that in your OZW.xml file in the HA configuration directory or when you are in OZWCP, each device paired will have a corresponding number on the far left in the list of items. That is your node ID.

I am sorry, I am not in front of my computer at home so I can access my RPi or else I would use some screenshots to clear things up some.

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Are you on a battery or is the sensor plugged in to a USB/AC adapter? The adjustments suggested will work but if you are on a battery, be aware that it will shorten the battery life considerably.

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@rpitera, Im glad you came along and made mention of that. I was not even thinking about that as while mine are in test status I have them USB powered. So yeah, setting them to a 30-second time out will make short order of your batteries. I have mine set that way purely for testing purposes, when they go into production I will likely set them to around 300 seconds.

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thx for the replies, i am on usb power so consuption is not a problem.

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