I’ve been running the MS6 for the better part of this year now and didn’t experience any unusual issues.
I’ve had it report sensor readings in a more or less regular interval, and generated nice graphs from it using InfluxDB/Grafana.
Now, for some reason, it stopped reporting its values (temp, humidity, battery level, brightness) a few weeks ago.
The only time new data points show up in Grafana is when I restart HA.
I’ve set the report interval (parameter 111-113) to 600s, which - since I’m using the sensor on battery power only - translates to regular reports every 3600s (and 600s on USB power).
I’ve set the threshold values to trigger a report (param 41-44) to 0.5°C, 3% humidity, 25 lux, and 1% battery power.
The thing is set to binary reports (param 5 = 2) and is added as a secure node, using my network key.
Motion detection still works reliably, though, as if nothing changed.
The batteries in the sensor are almost drained and I thought that maybe it stops regular reports below a certain battery level to save energy.
I temporarily added new batteries, but that didn’t change anything, so I switched them out for the old ones again.
Does anyone have an idea why the sensor behaves like that?
I’m really out of clues here…