I have just acquired an Aeotec NanoMote Quad. All my Z-Wave devices are connected to the SmartThings hub and I use the SmartThings integration to expose Z-Wave devices to HA. After adding the NanoMote to SmartThings, in the SmartThings app, I see all four buttons and they change state depending on pressed or held.
Upon reloading the SmartThings integration in HA, I see only a Z-Wave multi-button device but no entity corresponding to each button. The only entity associated with the device is battery level monitor. Is there a way to be able to use all 4 buttons in HA?
Do you have any more details about how you got this to work? I have the same remote, and the documentation about how to get the required info from SmartThings (like device ID and naming conventions of the buttons) and how to use this event in an automation are limited.
Go to Developer Tools, then select Events. Under “Listen to Events”, subscribe to smartthings.button event. Then click “Start listening”. Now press any button on the Nanomote and you will see all the details, like device ID, value and component ID for various buttons and actions like pushed, held etc.
Use this information to create an event based trigger. For example, I have created a trigger which fires when button 4 is pushed. In GUI, it looks like: