Aeotec Panic Button DSA38 Configuration

I added the Aeotec Panic Button to my zwave network and can see it using ozwcp, however nothing appears in HA when I copy the zwcfg file over to HA.

Can this device be used in HA automation? Any pointers how to go about this?

Ok, I figured it out. The configuration of the Aeotec is similar to the Minimote configuration. You need to change the mode of the Panic Button from Group Mode to Scene Mode. This is explained in this thread.

I contacted Aeotec and they suggested using a free tool called zensys, which can be downloaded from the web. The instructions for changing the mode are explained in this link. Keep in mind that you can also change the mode using ozwcp according to the thread above.

Basically you will need to set Parameter 250 [1 byte] = 1

Parameter = FA (which is 250 in hexidecimal)
Size = 01
Value = 01

Then click on send, after the command queues, press and hold the learn pin button for 6 seconds then let go. You should notice the panic button update on the log screen.

You can confirm the changes by pressing and holding the scene button:
Blinking LED = Group Mode
Single Blink = Scene Mode

Start hass from the command line and you should observe events generated by keypresses. A short keypress will generate scene 1, while a long keypress will generate scene 2.
Here’s my code:

  • alias: ‘Panic Button On, Short Tap’
    initial_state: True
    hide_entity: True
    platform: event
    event_type: zwave.scene_activated
    entity_id: aeotec_dsa38_panic_button_7
    scene_id: 1
    service: switch.turn_on
    entity_id: switch.siren_switch_2_0

  • alias: ‘Panic Button Off, Long Tap’
    initial_state: True
    hide_entity: True
    platform: event
    event_type: zwave.scene_activated
    entity_id: aeotec_dsa38_panic_button_7
    scene_id: 2
    service: switch.turn_off
    entity_id: switch.siren_switch_2_0

Hope this helps someone. Not sure how to get the formatting correctly, so you’ll need to follow yaml guidelines.

@homehacker thank you for this info.

I got my button to change modes and I can see the keypress in the log file just fine. However I can’t see the button entity in HASS developer tools states panel. Any idea why this would be and how to proceed?


The button entities don’t appear in HA. Not sure why, But it does work if you use the entity that you see in the log file.