Aeotec Smart Switch 6 light ring control?

I have a switch entity, and a collection of sensor entities, most of which just read 0 until I changed the reporting values and rate. That’s all good.

I can’t find a way to control the light ring on the plug though. Config parameters 83 and 84 are apparently read only. The plug exposes color switch command class, but there’s no corresponding light entity.

Not something I strictly need, but would be nice…

I’ve been working on this too. digging through the forum it’s supposedly doable, but not sure how. I can change the operation of the light ring from on with state, to temporarily on with state change and also to night light mode. Night light mode supposedly unlocks the other parameters for color and brightness, but I can’t get any color or brightness to stick. Also there is a test color parameter but that too doesn’t do anything.

You can change the read_only attribute to false in the zwcfg.xml file. Don’t forget to shut down home assistant first before making the change.

That file is a temporary file and gets overwritten by the Zwave network. That file reflects the current state of the network as far as parameters and states. Any changes get lost when the Zwave network changes.

It’s normal practice to set configuration in that file for specific devices. So long as you shutdown home assistant first, make your necessary edits in the zwcfg.xml and start up again they will be retained. I’ve needed to do this for a number of z-wave devices that have not detected correctly. In fact, I’m now using it successfully for 2 Smart Switch 6 devices in the bedroom to do exactly what you were after and it’s working a treat. I have mine set to Night Light mode in parameter 81. The parameter for setting the colour seems slightly misaligned, but I’ve got a mapping for common colours below which hopefully serves you well.

zwcfg.xml – change read_only to “false”

<Value type="int" genre="config" instance="1" index="83" label="Night Light Color" units="" read_only="false" write_only="false" verify_changes="false" poll_intensity="0" min="0" max="16777215" value="14524637">
	<Help>Configure the RGB Value when in Night Light Mode. Byte 1: Red Color Byte 2: Green Color Byte 3: Blue Color</Help>


    name: LED Bedroom
    icon: mdi:led-off

    name: LED Lights Colour
      - "Cool White"
      - "Warm White"
      - "Red"
      - "Lime"
      - "Blue"
      - "Yellow"
      - "Cyan"
      - "Magenta"
      - "Silver"
      - "Gray"
      - "Maroon"
      - "Olive"
      - "Green"
      - "Purple"
      - "Teal"
      - "Navy"
    icon: mdi:palette
    initial: "Warm White"


- id: '1563663128405'
  alias: Bedroom LED Lights
  - entity_id: input_boolean.led_bedroom_lights
    platform: state
  - entity_id: input_select.led_bedroom_lights_colour
    platform: state
  condition: []
  - data_template:
      node_id: 4
      parameter: 83
      value: '{% if is_state("input_boolean.led_bedroom_lights", "off") %} 0
        {% elif is_state("input_select.led_bedroom_lights_colour", "Cool White") %} -256
        {% elif is_state("input_select.led_bedroom_lights_colour", "Warm White") %} -269953024
        {% elif is_state("input_select.led_bedroom_lights_colour", "Red") %} -16777216
        {% elif is_state("input_select.led_bedroom_lights_colour", "Lime") %} 16711680
        {% elif is_state("input_select.led_bedroom_lights_colour", "Blue") %} 65280
        {% elif is_state("input_select.led_bedroom_lights_colour", "Yellow") %} -65536
        {% elif is_state("input_select.led_bedroom_lights_colour", "Cyan") %} 16776960
        {% elif is_state("input_select.led_bedroom_lights_colour", "Magenta") %} -16711936
        {% elif is_state("input_select.led_bedroom_lights_colour", "Silver") %} -1061109760
        {% elif is_state("input_select.led_bedroom_lights_colour", "Gray") %} -2139062272
        {% elif is_state("input_select.led_bedroom_lights_colour", "Maroon") %} -2147483648
        {% elif is_state("input_select.led_bedroom_lights_colour", "Olive") %} -2139095040
        {% elif is_state("input_select.led_bedroom_lights_colour", "Green") %} 8388608
        {% elif is_state("input_select.led_bedroom_lights_colour", "Purple") %} -2147450880
        {% elif is_state("input_select.led_bedroom_lights_colour", "Teal") %} 8421376
        {% elif is_state("input_select.led_bedroom_lights_colour", "Navy") %} 32768
        {% endif %}'
    service: zwave.set_config_parameter
  - data_template:
      node_id: 5
      parameter: 83
      value: '{% if is_state("input_boolean.led_bedroom_lights", "off") %} 0
        {% elif is_state("input_select.led_bedroom_lights_colour", "Cool White") %} -256
        {% elif is_state("input_select.led_bedroom_lights_colour", "Warm White") %} -269953024
        {% elif is_state("input_select.led_bedroom_lights_colour", "Red") %} -16777216
        {% elif is_state("input_select.led_bedroom_lights_colour", "Lime") %} 16711680
        {% elif is_state("input_select.led_bedroom_lights_colour", "Blue") %} 65280
        {% elif is_state("input_select.led_bedroom_lights_colour", "Yellow") %} -65536
        {% elif is_state("input_select.led_bedroom_lights_colour", "Cyan") %} 16776960
        {% elif is_state("input_select.led_bedroom_lights_colour", "Magenta") %} -16711936
        {% elif is_state("input_select.led_bedroom_lights_colour", "Silver") %} -1061109760
        {% elif is_state("input_select.led_bedroom_lights_colour", "Gray") %} -2139062272
        {% elif is_state("input_select.led_bedroom_lights_colour", "Maroon") %} -2147483648
        {% elif is_state("input_select.led_bedroom_lights_colour", "Olive") %} -2139095040
        {% elif is_state("input_select.led_bedroom_lights_colour", "Green") %} 8388608
        {% elif is_state("input_select.led_bedroom_lights_colour", "Purple") %} -2147450880
        {% elif is_state("input_select.led_bedroom_lights_colour", "Teal") %} 8421376
        {% elif is_state("input_select.led_bedroom_lights_colour", "Navy") %} 32768
        {% endif %}'
    service: zwave.set_config_parameter

Interesting. I don’t doubt that it works, and that’s a pretty neat solution. I’ve never had success with modifying the zwcfg_XXXXXXXX.xml file and having the changes stick. I’ve always had to modify the parameters from the Zwave config panel within HA. Yes I’ve shutdown HA, made my changes in the file, then restarted HA, but when the Zwave network starts up, it overwrites that cache file with the current network configuration the controller reads from the nodes.

Try modifying the device XML. Usually located in something similar to this directory: /srv/homeassistant/venv/lib/python3.7/site-packages/python_openzwave/ozw_config
that’s where openzwave gets the device parameters from.

This is the article I used to perform my first config edit for z-wave to enable some button scenes.

Yeah I’ve followed those before. It’s been a while but the last time I made any changes to the zwcfg file they got overwritten by the Zwave network on the next HA restart.