Aeotec Z-Stick 7 Firmware Release Notes

Your “updated” article is saying 7.17.2 not 7.19.2. Is 7.19.2 still the most stable firmware for the Z Stick ZWA010? If so, is there a direct link to it and can you please update your article? Thanks.

Aeotec reverted to 7.17.2 due to a bug in 7.19/7.20. The article is maintained by Aeotec, not this community member. Furthermore, the URL of the article does not change when the f/w version changes, so don’t expect this comment to be valid in the future either.

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Thank you for the clarification @freshcoast

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anyone try the latest 7.20.2?

It looks like 7.19 was buggy but maybe 7.20 is OK? I’ll try in a few weeks when I have time to bomb my system.

I does not fix one of the known issues.