I’m using an Aeotec Z-Stick Gen5 USB stick to connect to my Z-Wave network.
I configured OpenZWave with the following path: device: /dev/serial/by-id/usb-0658_0200-if00
The problem I am facing now is that after every reboot of the host system this particular device is not seen (Host System -> Hardware: device is not listed there).
When I physically un- and replug the stick it is listed there. OpenZWave then starts to work after rebooting Home Assistant (not the host).
Could be related to *Sticky?* Aeotec Z-Stick Gen5 - Raspberry Pi4, but this is still weird, as the stick works (and continues to work) until I reboot the host.
Was previously running on raspbian with openhab and never had said issue.
Then found a short bash script to run it to reset the entire USB bus before I start my zwave2mqtt service using ExecStartPre=/root/usbreset/resetusb.sh in my systemd definition.
USBNAME=0424:9514 #Put here the usb ID
LSUSB=$(lsusb | grep --ignore-case $USBNAME)
FOLD="/dev/bus/usb/"$(echo $LSUSB | cut --delimiter=' ' --fields='2')"/"$(echo $LSUSB | cut --delimiter=' ' --fields='4' | tr --delete ":")
echo $LSUSB
echo $FOLD
sudo /root/usbreset/usbreset $FOLD; #The path where you have the usbreset executable