Aeotec Z-Stick gen5 (without + ) usb cable extender

i plan to install aeotec Z-Stick gen5 to my NAS; where i run HAS inside VM. Whats better to connect aeotec to NAS; usb2.0 or usb 3.0 cable extender … ? Is 1 or 1.8 meter okay?


While it should not theoretically matter for this particular cable. USB3 is wholly backwards compatible. You really don’t want to be plugging Zigbee sticks into anything USB3 (yes i know you’re talking ZWave not Zigbee)

Its relevant (In my setup) because I generally just treat my ZWave and Zigbee sticks the same as being overprotective of my Zigbee side doesn’t hurt the ZWave side.

So the Cable doesn’t matter, what you plug it into does. Don’t plug it (zigbee) into a USB3 port. And by extension, on my system that means I also don’t plug any USB coordinator stick into a USB3 port.

So if not using a USB3 port you wouldn’t then need the USB3 cable.

For mine I have a half-meter USB extension (no clue what kind of cable, doesn’t matter) to a small USB2 powered hub and my ZWave and Zigbee sticks both live there. The cable plugs into a USB2 port on my Rpi.

i dont get it …

i have already zigbee module plugged into usb3 … all works fine.

i am not sure/ its not clear if that aeotec is usb3 or usb2 …
and also if 1.8m cable will works fine with it …

More simply put. USB3 (specifically USB3 hard drives in particular) causes interference on these sticks. Particularly Zigbee. Keep them off USB3 busses.

It may work but you will finrld example after example where they don’t. Your mileage may vary.

i dont have any usb3 hardrive connected so don’t get that… but okay… seems that was your assumption.