Aeotec Z-Wave Gen5 Multi-Sensor

I’ve read a few posts regarding this but have been unable to figure out for certain why I cannot get the motion sensor portion to work. Here is from the customize section of the configuration. These are the only 4 that show up and the binary just shows a “O” and the battery level if I click on it so I hid it. Temp, Luminance, and Humidity work fine. Anyone else have this problem?

  hidden: true
  friendly_name: Inside Temperature
 friendly_name: Inside Luminance
 friendly_name: Inside Humidity

Unhide the binary sensor; this is your motion detector. If it senses motion, it turns on. Normal state (no motion) is off.

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Seriously? Sheesh, thank you.

I originally did not have it hidden but it never changed states. Perhaps I need to play with the sensitivity. Thank you! I think you have solved my last few posts :slight_smile:

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Make sure you have the multisensor set to binary reporting instead of basic set. If you don’t, change it and then update the config in OZWCP. Then restart HA. (I reboot the whole thing myself)

And it works… Thank you so much!

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