I’m new to Z-wave and fairly new to Home Assistant. My setup:
Intel NUC - running HA on a Virtual Machine (Ubuntu)
Aeotec Z-wave Gen5+ plugged into Intel NUC and updated drivers.
On Intel NUC the stick appears in COM4 as UZB
When I’m trying to add Z-wave (Supervisor → ADDON → Z-Wave JS to MQTT → Install → Open WebUI → Settings → Z-wave) I’m not able to select the right Serial PORT. I only see TTYS0/TTYS1/TTYS2/TTYS3.
Also when checking the hardware (Supervisor → System → Hardware) - I don’t see any device that may resemble my AEOTEC stick. All the while when the AEOTEC is lit up green - indicating it appears to working fine - from a hardware perspective.
I’ve googled and tried a lot of things - but can’t get it to work. Any ideas…?
You need to configure USB pass-through to the VM so that the USB device is present in the VM, not the host. How to do that will depend on which hypervisor you’re using.
Ok - at least some progress after 2 hours of trying myself
I shut down the VM - so I could actually change the settings for my HA VM. I have enabled the USB Controller (USB 1.1 (OHCI) Controller) and selected the device (SIGMA). Now I get this error in HA (when I have restarted VM):