Aeotec Z-wave stick Gen5 on Synology installation

I’m facing the same problem.

|__usb1          1d6b:0002:0404 09  2.00  480MBit/s 0mA 1IF  (Linux 4.4.59+ xhci-hcd xHCI Host Controller 0000:00:15.0) hub

|__1-3 10c4:ea60:0100 00 1.10 12MBit/s 100mA 1IF (Silicon Labs CP2102 USB to UART Bridge Controller 0001)
1-3:1.0 (IF) ff:00:00 2EPs ()
|__1-4 f400:f400:0100 00 2.00 480MBit/s 200mA 1IF (Synology DiskStation 65008478A6CA6004)
1-4:1.0 (IF) 08:06:50 2EPs () usb-storage host3 (synoboot)

no /dev/ttyA** ot USB

Same problem here. I am not getting usb passthrough on Synology. same zwave usb stick will mount on my laptop, which runs on Linux as well. Any ideas?

For those who are having problem get zwave usb stick “recognized” by synology (i.e. the Synology can’t attach a path (such as /dev/ttyUSB0 or /dev/ttyACM0 ) , I think I found where the problem lies.

In short, the problem is that some of the zwave usb stick require a different driver which is not part of Synology’s DSM distribution. In my particular case, I need cp201x driver be loaded to the system.

For those who can’t get their zwave usb stick to be “recognized,” chances are, when you go to /lib/modules directory, you won’t able to find the driver file, which typically named something like cp201x.ko .

The key here is to find this cp201x driver. By some googling, I found someone who is implementing a home automation system, and he packaged the entire home automation system as well as the needed driver (i.e. my precious cp201x) in form of a synology package.

All I did was install that package and run it once and stop it immediately (i am running docker on my synology and i don’t want waste any more CPU/Memory), the usb stick is now recognized by the system.

that package name is “Domoticz.” Go google it.

If anyone find a separate package only contains cp201x, do let me know. I have a feeling once I reboot my synology, my zwave usb won’t be recognized again.


I have running in docker on a NUC. Sometimes the Z stick works, sometimes it doesn’t. Seems there’s no rhyme or reason to it. Completely unreliable. Just cannot see what the problem is.

mayby we just need to install the driver: ?

Here’s what I just did:

  1. Used this page to find out which architecture my Synology uses. Turns out it is Broadwellnk.
  2. Downloaded the Broadwellnk driver file.
  3. Installed this file as a manual package in the Synology package center, it’s showing as running status.
  4. Pulled the USB stick in + out and got nothin.
lsusb -iUc
  |__1-1         152d:2329:0100 00  2.00  480MBit/s 2mA 1IF  (JMicron USB to ATA/ATAPI bridge 250731537FFF)
  1-1:1.0         (IF) 08:06:50 2EPs () usb-storage host18 ()
  |__1-3         10c4:8a2a:0100 00  2.00   12MBit/s 100mA 2IFs (Silicon Labs HubZ Smart Home Controller 312003D6)
  1-3:1.0         (IF) ff:00:00 2EPs ()
  1-3:1.1         (IF) ff:00:00 2EPs ()
  |__1-4         f400:f400:0100 00  2.00  480MBit/s 200mA 1IF  (Synology DiskStation 650078315FCA6024)

Keep in mind, I’m trying to get the combo stick working.

Thanks to you, I got it to work! I am using the same usb stick on 716+ii

[155738.329425] cp210x 3-1:1.0: cp210x converter detected
[155739.488501] usb 3-1: reset full-speed USB device number 3 using etxhci_hcd-170202
[155739.517380] usb 3-1: cp210x converter now attached to ttyUSB0
[155739.524005] usb 3-1: cp210x converter now attached to ttyUSB1
[155785.532727] aufs au_opts_verify:1571:dockerd[15135]: dirperm1 breaks the protection by the permission bits on the lower branch

Maybe because it’s a bit later and has improved; but it’s working out of the box for me…


My apologies for reactivating this thread, but has anyone ACTUALLY tried using this with docker? I have an HUSBZB-1 which is detected by Synology but I am unable to pass the device path to docker and have Home Assistant recognize it successfully. I have seen multiple threads where people use this method and deem it a “success” and then flat out admit to not having actually tried it. I have a DS918+ and want to explore all options before i start tearing up Synology’s to get my stuff to work.

what have you tried so far? I run HA Docker with an Aeotec Z-Wave stick Gen 5 on my Synology. Works with the built-in Z-Wave integration, no issues.

  • plug Z-Wave device into Synology
  • use an SSH session and the ls command to identify the device path (ex. /dev/ttyACM0 for the Aeotec stick)
  • modify your docker create/run command to attach the device (--device=/dev/ttyACM0)
  • either chmod 777 your USB device, or run the HA container in privileged mode

Hey squirtbrnr thanks for your reply. I actually got it working. For the record, recommending people run containers in privileged mode is NEVER the answer. My issue stems with home assistant. I did not realize that you needed to edit the configuration.yml and point it to the device path. It seems really backwards to me especially when i got to the zigbee portion of my device which is NOT added like that. I added zigbee by going to configuration-> scrolling allll the way to the bottom that had some info about zha - clicked that, and it asked me to point to my zigbee device. The whole interface is backwards and counter intuitive.

I don’t even think I needed the drivers from that random website to begin with, I just assumed Home Assistant would pick up the devices on its own but it doesnt. I’ve since removed the shady random package from a random website, restarted the synology and correctly configured everything.

If I can help anyone else clearly configure this thing let me know, but it’s not a synology issue, it’s a home assistant issue.

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I’m still not getting the hang of it… What I got so far:

  1. Aeotec Z-wave stick in my Synology;
  2. Added the USB device to the docker container, i did this through creating an Export of my HomeAssistant container, edit the export file (.json) with:
   "devices" : [
         "CgroupPermissions" : "rwm",
         "PathInContainer" : "/zwaveusbstick",
         "PathOnHost" : "/dev/ttyACM0"
  1. Import the edited file in Docker;
  2. changed the configruation.yaml:
  3. Start the Container;
  usb_path: /zwaveusbstick
  network_key: <key>

Now in HomeAssistant I can see in Configuration > Intergration Z-Wave, and the option to Configure. But when i click on Configure I can’t select a node.

What am I missing?

PS: I tryed to change the docker run command but got a “Permission denied” so I went with the Export file.

I would really appreciate your help. I cannot find the path to the USB on my DS918+

Plug the device in and open an SSH terminal to your NAS and issue the following command to see what the path is to the USB device:

ls /dev/ttyACM*

Most likely it will return something like: /dev/ttyACM0

This is the response:
root@SUPER8:~# ls /dev/ttyACM*
ls: cannot access /dev/ttyACM*: No such file or directory

Sorry, I should have disclosed I’m not using a Aeotec Z-wave stick. I have a Nortek GoControl Z-wave stick. It is being seen by the DS 918+ because I can see it in the control panel under Info Center -General - External Devices - USB Device.
I really appreciate your help.

You should do ls /dev/ttyUSB* for this device type. This stick will expose 2 USB devices, one for the Z-Wave portion and one for the Zigbee part.
More info can be found on:
Using a Z-Wave or ZigBee stick on Synology DSM for use with HomeAssistant and Docker (

Persistent Linux Device Names for Nortek GoControl HUSBZB-1 Z-Wave and Zigbee stick | Dave’s Stuff (

And a sidenote, external USB devices might stop working with the release of Synology DSM 7.


Ah. Yes, combo sticks will be listed under /dev/ttyUSB*. I only have an Aeotec Zstick which shows up under /dev/ttyACM*.

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Thank you very much for your help. I really appreciate it! Have a great day!

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Thank you so much for the help!