In setting up the Aeotec Z-Wave MultiSensor 6, for Motion Sensor reporting to Home Assistant (via Z-Wave JS etc.), should its Parameter 5 “Motion Sensor triggered - Command Set to send” be set to
1 - send Basic Set CC; or to
2 - send Sensor Binary Report CC
or does it not matter??
I have the Aeotec MultiSensor 6 added to HA ok as a Device + its Entities, and all appears to be working, but the technicallities and implications of this Parameter 5 setting option elude me.
The PIR Motion Sensor currently does n’t seem very sensitive to presence even within 3 metres. I have Param 3 Motion Sensor Timeout = 10 secs, and Param 4 Sensitivity = 5 (max). Powered by USB, not battery. Param 40 Selective Reporting = Off.
I’m using Home Assistant 2023.8.2 , Supervisor 2023.08.1 , Operating System 10.4 , Frontend 20230802.0 - latest. Plus Z-Wave JS Add-on and the Z-Wave integration. And others.
Mine are set to option two but tbh I don’t think it will matter much. That parameters describes the format of the message sent to HA to say hey there’s motion here…
USB power and your timeout settings are what most impact responsiveness on the Aeotec. First thing about the Aeotec (at least multisensor 5/6, don’t know if this continues in the 7) If you’re on battery YOU CANNOT override the timing settings - period. They’re hard-coded to use pretty long timers to save battery. So if you want to manipulate the timings on it at all. Put it on USB power. So beyond what you’re already doing…
Thanks Nathan. Mine are currently set to 1.
I guess the choice maybe (as you say) does n’t matter. But someone who knows how HA Z-Wave treats the two message options internally on receipt and translation may disagree, or not ???
Re USB, yes I’m putting all my USB power capable sensors on USB where I can. Strange that manufacturers are providing the USB power option, but not using USB for the data transfer too! Unless there’s a technical issue doing that, it would seem like a sound option to offer.