Aeotec zwave stick, give data to two instances of HASSIO, is this possible?

As per title, do you think is possible to “pass” darta from one instance of HASSIO to another?

You can use either of these components depending on your requirements:

I have this configuratio

  1. HASSIO on raspberry PI3 that has a zwave Aeotec stick. On the zwave network Ihave some switches and some PIR sensor
  2. HASSIO on A NUC that would need the data of the zwave switches (of the other HASSIO on a pi3)

Below my code for the HASSIO with the stick.
Can you help on how to integrate those mqtt values in the HASSIo-NUC instance?

  base_topic: homeassistant
      - sensor
      - binary_sensor
      - switch
      - zwave
     ########### node 2 ENTRANCE
      - sensor.neo_coolcam_battery_powered_pir_sensor_luminance # node 2
      - binary_sensor.neo_coolcam_battery_powered_pir_sensor_sensor
      - zwave.neo_coolcam_battery_powered_pir_sensor
       ########### node 3 WASHER &DRYER
      - sensor.neo_coolcam_power_plug_12a_current # node 3
      - sensor.neo_coolcam_power_plug_12a_energy
      - sensor.neo_coolcam_power_plug_12a_power
      - sensor.neo_coolcam_power_plug_12a_previous_reading_5
      - sensor.neo_coolcam_power_plug_12a_previous_reading_6
      - sensor.neo_coolcam_power_plug_12a_previous_reading_7
      - sensor.neo_coolcam_power_plug_12a_previous_reading_8
      - sensor.neo_coolcam_power_plug_12a_voltage
      - zwave.neo_coolcam_power_plug_12a
      ########### node 6 AIR GUEST ROOM
      - sensor.neo_coolcam_power_plug_12a_current_2 # node 6
      - sensor.neo_coolcam_power_plug_12a_energy_2
      - sensor.neo_coolcam_power_plug_12a_power_2
      - sensor.neo_coolcam_power_plug_12a_previous_reading
      - sensor.neo_coolcam_power_plug_12a_previous_reading_2
      - sensor.neo_coolcam_power_plug_12a_previous_reading_3
      - sensor.neo_coolcam_power_plug_12a_previous_reading_4
      - sensor.neo_coolcam_power_plug_12a_voltage_2
      - zwave.neo_coolcam_power_plug_12a_2
       ########### node 8 SIRENA
      - switch.aeotec_zw080_siren_gen5_switch
      - zwave.aeotec_zw080_siren_gen5

Did you find a solution Claudio? I would be very interested in your final configuration.

I moved all my installation on the NUC, I didn’t want to have to maintain 2 machines for Hassio