Aeotech ZW162 Doorbell


I do have all the sub devices recognized properly.

Poking around in MQTT explorer for the different COMMAND_CLASS_SOUND_SWITCH ClassIDs, it appears that the values aren’t consumed by OZW unless explicitly asked to read it:

  "Label": "Doorbell 1 Volume",
  "Value": 25,
  "Units": "",
  "ValueSet": true,
  "ValuePolled": false,
  "ChangeVerified": false,
  "Min": 0,
  "Max": 255,
  "Type": "Byte",
  "Instance": 3,
  "Index": 2,
  "Node": 12,
  "Genre": "Config",
  "Help": "The Volume to play the tone at",
  "ValueIDKey": 562950165119025,
  "ReadOnly": false,
  "WriteOnly": false,
  "Event": "valueRefreshed",
  "TimeStamp": 1601038507

So it seems whatever I implement should set the values, say, on start up, so they are in a known state and can be tracked.

But I can clearly now why we need to implement a new device class in Home Assistant to handle these types of devices.

New platform for siren/chime devices · Issue #375 · home-assistant/architecture (

My current plan is to implement Home Assistant entities for the controls I need, and configure automations to fire either the correct zwave service call or MQTT command to trigger OpenZWave 1.6 beta to set the desired configuration.

The next step is to figure out how to fire the Zwave Events to trigger the siren to make a sound, but I think that must be done with MQTT and not the hass zwave service, since I don’t believe it supports that.

To trigger the sounds please check the message of adamoutler of 11 days back. He added many screenshots of Mqtt messages, and they actually work.

Yeah just use MQTT Explorer to find your ValueIDKey as I described above, Aeotech ZW162 Doorbell

then put it into an automation like this

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Thanks! My siren is still not responding to the MQTT setvalue commands to play a tone, so I am going to try factory resetting and re-adding to the OZW beta zwave network.

I’ve seen that you’ve managed to get this into Node-RED as well, but I can’t quite figure out how to config my “change” function and/or “mqtt out” to get it to work.

I’ve set the topic according to line 1 in service data (the white text after the “:”). As server I’m using my HA ip and port, as I did when I connected with MQTT Explorer. Perhaps I could be able to set the server up using localhost? Couldn’t figure that out either. Anyhow, it says “connected” in Node-RED.

In the “change” function I’ve tried several versions of set msg.payload - msg, string and json but can’t get the siren to sound as I can when I use the mqtt.publish service.

Any pointers?

I figured it out. “Change” function set msg.payload to json


I had to keep it all… Should’ve figured it out sooner, I guess, but I’m new to this kind of programming.

Thanks for all your helpful inputs on this topic, Adam!

Has anyone find a way to activate a tone on the doorbell by HA? Like a switch or a mqtt command to OZW?
To simulate a button push to dorrbell 1/2/3?

Read up higher. You’ll need to run OZW and I provided several methods.

Sorry. I read to fast. Thought it was only to set the volume.

Hi adamoutler,

I am struggling and as I read what you wrote you did too. So I am trying to get some idea how you made ‘instance 9’. I keep locking up my entire openzwave network when I try to stop playing sounds. I don’t have a 9th instance, what did you link this to?

I am also curious, have you found a method to monitor the doorbell button presses. I want to create a DND mode for the doorbell while babies are sleeping, but use a notification on my phone for when that happens. If I monitor the entities already in Home assistant for openzwave, all things trigger the same entity. I use the browse tone today for notification that doors are opened. Similar to a security system.



I don’t use OZW but would like to adjust the volume. Is it possible? I can’t find the information here and obviously I don’t have the parameter in the interface.

Another question: how do I know what is the firmware version of my module? I think that the volume management is not present on older versions.

For information, I just received the module.

Start a sound before stopping.

I can’t help with your doorbell. I am only using the speaker

I explained exactly this over here. Aeotech ZW162 Doorbell

We need to figure out how to use the Blueprint feature to do this.

Is there a way to make it ring with an automation ?
I was using Jeedom before & I was able to flash the ligh (ring with no sound) when the garage door was open.


Just wanted to say thank you for the Node-Red flow. I thought about using a different siren instance with a incrementing volumes, but decided I preferred to use each siren instance for its intended use.

I did however use your “set_volumes” sequence and replicated it 2 additional times. I did this to set Volumes for “Alarm Away”, “Alarm Home”, and “Alarm Off”. Then another automation that sets the appropriate volume levels for that particular mode. For example, Alarm Away blasts the siren at max, but Alarm Home just loud enough for me to hear it.

Fantastic job and much appreciated.

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Hi, I am relatively new and have been using Home Assistant for my smart home for 2 weeks now. What a fun hobby that has become. By the way my english is not very good, so i am writing this with google translate.

My HA runs on a Raspery Pi4, have both a ZiGBee ConbeeII stick and an Aeotec Zwave Stick. I connected my Aeotec Indoor Siren6 via OpenZwave … but then. I would like to use a universal push button via Node Red to turn my Siren6 into a doorbell (and later also use it as a siren as part of my security system), but first a simple doorbell. No matter how I google, I don’t understand this forum anymore. What am I overlooking, do I have to use something else? Who can give me a little push so that I know in which direction to look. Thank you very much

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You must use OpenZWave Addon to get functionality from the doorbell. Try the addon.

@adamoutler, Thanks for your answer. I have the Siren via OpenZwave addon. I also see my siren, but what can I use in Nod Red to activate it …

Start reading here and when you get to your post you are done :smiley: