AFORE invert HNS5000TL connection via wifi

Hi Folks, I will be using google translate. So if it seems to you that I haven’t expressed a thought well, let me know.

I have an Afore inverter.
I followed the following guides:

Alas it tells me that the status of the sensors is unknown. As if he saw them but couldn’t read the values.

Can anyone give me some tips to try???

Please be precise, I’ve only been using Home Assistant for a short time. And my capabilities are limited

Nessuno? Non so dove mettere le mani

Same issue for me.

Ho lo stesso problema, ho chiesto assistenza a solarmanpv ma nin rispondono

Hi @Mauro-santoro, @Fili73 and @1974Nando

You can try davidrapan/ha-solarman: :zap: Solarman Stick Logger integration for :house_with_garden: Home Assistant