I upgraded to 100.2 (thank you all), and it seemed to go well.
Although now I notice the standard weather (weather.MYHASS_home) is showing “Sunny” when it’s dark. It seems like the forecast and cloudcover are OK, but for some reason it thinks the sun is still up (maybe)!!
Then there should be a if sun.below.horizon & noclouds.sky then sky.display = "clear", else if sun.above.horizon & noclouds then sky.display = "sunny" right?!
And maybe I didn’t notice, but wasn’t it “clear” in previous releases?
Same issue. At night it NEVER shows clear-night nor anything related to night. My animated background is dependent on the weather.home always shows up daytime.
Still the same in Feb. 2021…when the sky is clear at night, it shows Sunny.
What controls the Sunny / Cloudy reading?
The Meteorologisk institutt (Met.no) integration?
If so, which of the Norwegian Meteorological Institute’s 275 github repositories controls this?
It’s been like that for as long as I remember. Is there a reason why it shows Sunny when the sun is below horizon?
I have a google speaker that announces the weather from time to time and it’s weird to hear something like “It’s Sunny with a temperature of 43F” in the middle of the night that I’ve just learned to ignore. But is there gonna be a fix for this? If not, I’ll just do some IF statement for my weather announcer.
It’d be great if it could use the Sun integration to decide whether to use a moon symbol or something - perhaps one of the existing data sources can tell what the current moon phase is and show the relevant icon for new/partial/full moon? That’d look really neat.
Are you guys replying to an issue from 2019 in 2023?
If it is a change in HA, don’t expect anything from the community.
If it is an issue with the core weather then go to
Then on the right, you’ll find a link to View known issues and report a new one if it isn’t already.