After 2023.6.3 no insteon event traffic is seen in HA

Updated to 2023.6.3 in the middle of the night and didn’t think much about it.
The next morning I noticed that none of my device statuses matched the actual device.
Pressing switchlincs or keypadlinc buttons have no effect with HA either
I can turn insteon devices, keypadlinc buttons on and off from HA, automations can control insteon devices but any change at the device level appears to be ignored.
I’ve got 80+ insteon devices all working for years and up until 2023.6.3 working pretty well with HA.
Tried to restore 2023.6.2 and 2023.6.0 but the problem persists. I’m back at 2023.6.3 now hoping the next release will fix something.

So I went thru and tried to clean up my insteon aldb tables to try and get switches to work without HA working and found a few tables had old entries for devices no longer installed.
Figured the PLM could use a “Load from Device” just to make sure everything was in sync.
While the “Load from Device” never appeared to finish, after my last hardware reboot my insteon switches and keypadlinc button presses are seen by HA again.