After adding an `api:` line to your esphome configuration

When I came to add my discovered node (in Home Assistant - Integrations - ESPHome sonoff_box) a message in red was

Can’t connect to ESP. add api: line to your configuration

Happily this message has gone away - everything works well (thanks to everyone)

HOWEVER in the documentation for the Native API I read the line below. So I got wondering which file actually needed the api: line - I think you mean the node configuration. I don’t think you mean configuration.yaml.

After adding an api: line to your esphome configuration you can go to the Home Assistant web interface and navigate to the “Integrations” screen in the “Configuration” panel.

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You put it in the configuration of your Esphome device.

The above line is correct though, it doesn’t say configuration.yaml. its says your esphome configuration

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