After Help with button

Hi all,

I’m a bit stick with creating this button

under configuration.yaml i have added -

type: button
name: planttest
show_state: false
  service: notify.mypushover
     title: "Plant Warning"
     message: "Please water {{ states('sensor.xiaomi_hhccjcy01_moisture') }} %

The error i get is - Component error: name - Integration 'name' not found. Component error: type - Integration 'type' not found. Component error: show_state - Integration 'show_state' not found. Component error: tap_action - Integration 'tap_action' not found.

Need some pointers, please :slight_smile:

You are attempting to define a Button Card in the wrong place. Lovelace cards are not defined in configuration.yaml. If you have chosen to use YAML to define your Lovelace dashboards, you should be using ui-lovelace.yaml. More information can be found here:

Using YAML for the default dashboard

Looks like that should be in your lovelace (dashboard) configuration, rather than your configuration.yaml.