After Host update: sensor data from slave are not updating on master

I did set up successfuly an energy meter on a raspberry pi (with Weidmann Elektronik Schreib-/Lesekopf USB and EDL21 integration) which works perfect ) to track electricity consumption of my ISKRA MT681. I integratedt it in my master installation on my NUC. But after I did restart the host on my NUC, values are not updating on my master. When I do lock on my PI, I can see that values are sitll updating.
Any idea what to do?

You might want to tell how you did that before any help or even pointers can be given

Sorry, I did forget to mention that I am using the custom component from HACS: GitHub - custom-components/remote_homeassistant: Links multiple home-assistant instances together

Solved. I went through configuration of the integration (just accepted everything again) and now it is working. :slight_smile:

Just FYI for the ones who are interested in what values are shown in hassio and how it looks like: