After install

I’ve installed HA on a HP T630 Thin client. At first glance everything looks alright. But the next day I can’t go to the frontpage of HA on my webbrowser again. The Thin Client is still turned on, and be seen bij Netscan.

I’m thinking of forgotten something easy. But can’t find what.

How did you install HA there?

  1. Home Assistant OS (flashed the image)
  2. Home Assistant Container (native Docker)
  3. Home Assistant Core (pip install)
  4. Something else?

I flashed the OS image to the Thin Client.

Just to be 100% sure. Are you sure the IP address is the same as yesterday?

What do you see when you connect a monitor to your think client?

That was the problem.

I tried to go to the web UI trough homeassistant:8123. That didn’t work. But I can go to the web UI using the IP adres. In my case

well use the ip address then. It is probably your router not doing the MDNS stuff properly. Its always best to have a static ip for HA. Then its easy ti find.

Yep, it’s a bit strange, but no problem for me.

Thanks all for the help.