After installation of I can't access to SD card using ssh on OS X


Please forgive me if this question should be asked somewhere else, but I am beginner in this field, so I will appreciate any advice. I understand that this issue might be related to 3rd party software/hardware.

I had no issue with setting up HA using on Raspberry Pi 3B+, however i encounter a problem when i tried to establish ssh connection to Raspberry after installation. I have no issue to ssh to Hassio after installing add-on. I found out that ssh connection is disabled by default and You should (at least) add empty ssh file to boot partition of Raspberry.

I have tested few option of installation procedure, but after writing an Hassio image to SD card, I cannot mount SD card anymore, ergo i cannot modify boot partition.

Yes, I am aware that i can connect keyboard and screen to accomplish that, but i would like to do so at the installation / configuration process.

Basic info:

Computer: MBP Mid 2010, macOS Sierra 10.12.6
Board: Raspberry Pi 3B+
Hassio image: hassos_rpi3-1.13
SD card: SanDisk Ultra HC 16 GB

I have tried to use OS X Disk Utility to format SD card (FAT, ExFAT with MBR), after that Etcher to put image to SD card. After Successfully copying image to SD Card, pop up window give me option to Initialise, Ignore or Eject. First aid did’t solve my problem.

Thank You in advance,

Funny thing is that when I was creating this topic i wrote which is counted as a link, limited to 2 at one topic :slight_smile: so there is hassio without dot.

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You won’t be able to mount the SD card after it is imaged. Just image it and then select Eject when you are done. Setting up with ethernet is the easiest. Once you get HA up and running, make sure you go to the add-on store and get the SSH add-on.

When I used hassio, os x was unable to mount SD card. Installing hasbian gave me this option.

dap35: i wrote that i used add-on to install SSH, but it gave me access only to HA, not Pi. Anyway, You was the one that tried to help me in this beginner request. I appriciate that, thank You!

Maybe I am stupid, but as I wrote I am a beginner. It was very confusing and HA documentation was unsound for me. Now i know the difference between hassio and hasbian and how they should be deployed, configure and what are the major differences between them. I understand that You should have some skills to start working on some projects, however lot of people states that it works “out of the box”, and i am disappointed that non of this community users, didn’t point out that I am compleatly mismatching the core of it. On the other hand I hope that in the future i will be able to ask more accurate questions with at least a little bit more of background knowledge about that awesome home automation software:)

Thank You

I started before Hassio using the virtual environment scripts and found that even with reasonable Linux skills, maintaining the python environment and OS was more work than using Hassio, which is based on a very slim OS and docker containers running on top. Its more of an appliance model - i.e. it is focused on a more specific purpose.

No problem. We all start out from somewhere. I have certainely leared a LOT working with HA and from the incredibly smart people on this forum.

So with Hassio there is just enough OS stuff to do the job - more secure, less to maintain, etc. Each container holds just what it needs and is independant of other containers. So, when you install the ssh add-on, it doesn’t give you access to the underlying OS, but you realy don’t need it. There is the command line to start, stop, update, backup, etc and then access to the persistent files that HA needs (/config), which is where your configuration and automation files, etc go. Having the Samba add-on also makes it easier to edit or copy/put files in the persistent file system (ie /config).